Sunday, September 13, 2020


Angus: I mustache you a question Addie... I love you.

Addie: Ugh that's not a question.

Dan's been on a strike team working on the Bobcat fire since Monday. And although I'm sure he has it worse than us, breathing in smoke all day, sleeping on a cot in a high school gym at night, eating snacks when he can and missing his wife and kids, it's been almost as rough here too. Kidding, but we haven't been able to go outside because of the smoke. No mini pool, no walks, no bike rides around the block, no picnics by the mailbox. The kids are bouncing off the walls and I'm more impatient with them than I've ever been. I'm so sick of being in my lovely amazing home with my healthy wonderful blessings. I got so desperate Thursday that I drove around with the kids to four different fast food establishments getting the best stuff from each place. We got onion rings from the Habit, kids meals from Chick-Fil-A, quesadillas from Taco Bell and fries and ice cream from McDonalds. It killed an hour and got us out of the house. 

Sending us a Marco Polo video.

Friday I asked Mari if we could come down and pay our beach fam a visit and get out of the smoke. She always says yes. The kids and I piled in the car after online school got out and headed down south. As the smokey haze started to clear I felt tons better. We got out of the car and I breathed in fresh beachy air and appreciated it probably more than I ever have in my life. 

This year has taught us so much about being thankful for the little things we take for granted hasn't it? Just plain fresh air is a blessing.

If you've never been to the beach with kids, it's all about the beach snacks. They don't even ask me for snacks anymore. They go straight to Mari for the good stuff.

Winter and Mya fought over who was going to hang out with baby Nelly.

Action shot of Winter not noticing Nelly eating a mouthful of sand.

We got a little beach bike workout.

And then back home to sit in the tubs of warm water.

We went garage sale-ing in the morning and I found this globe. I'm SO excited I can't even tell you. I've always wanted one of these things. I showed the kids all the places they've heard of, places Dan and I have been, and even where Santa lives.

And then to the beach again for round two. 11 kids and 3 grown ups. (We picked up a neighbor kid too) 😊

And more beach snacks.

It was just what we all needed. Now I'm all refreshed and ready to do online school this week. Praying they let Dan come home soon... It's our anniversary tomorrow. 12 years. I always remember the number by saying Mya plus one

Happy Anniversary Honey! There's no one else I'd be able to do bonkers 2020 life with 💓

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