Sunday, January 24, 2021

haircuts & corndog problems

Things are fine around here. No major complaints. Dan got his two Covid shots so that's good. The kids and I are pretty much staying home and driving each other crazy. At least I can kick them out of the house for a bit since the weather is pretty lovely in SoCal these days. I venture out to grocery stores and the thrift store occasionally for a change of scenery. I often go for walks in the mornings and retreat to my room and close the door for a little quiet. I'm pretty sure the kids are getting louder every day. I started a gratitude journal to keep a positive, thankful attitude. I recommend it. While there are a billion things to complain about, we still have a lot to be thankful for.

Heard around the house lately:

Mya: I'm not going to frown cuz I don't want to get wrinkles when I'm old, so just know that I'm really mad right now.

Me: (Packing up all the Christmas stuffed animals for the year)
Winter: I didn't get to say goodbye!
Me: They aren't real.
Winter: You're killing my imagination.

These three don't need personal space, like ever.

"Mom. I'm done with my corndog."

Angus HATES haircuts. So Dan cut it extra short so he doesn't have to have another one for a while.

Not sure what she is here but her ears are warm! 👍 All of Addie's pants have holes in the knees because she's been wearing the same size for over two years and her pants have given up.

When you get dirty outside and then you cry.

Angus: Who's the package for?
Mya: Mom
Angus: It's probably a scooter.

Winter just wanted to hang with Dad for a sec...

but it always ends up like this.

Our Higerd buddies stopped by and brought us thrift store presents. They know us too well.

And one of our neighbors dropped this off on our doorstep... It's a ninja turtle pinball machine.

And another neighbor gave us this baseball game. We are definitely feeling the love.

Speaking of feeling the love, a friend sent this to me from a few years back. These two have always been close.

The other two are 50% friends, 50% enemies. Addie made a breakfast barricade because Angus's face annoys her. Sometimes I do this when I'm at a restaurant with Dan. Kidding! All the restaurants are closed. 😆

Angus is "working on his car."

Well, happy Sunday! 
Hang in there friends 💕