Thursday, February 18, 2021

henry danger, rainbows and chrysalises

It's been a while since I posted so I have lots of pics. 
Nothing much has changed around here. Same ol' same ol'.

Angus says amusing things all day long. Here are just a few:

Being a grandpa looks scary. - Angus

Mom, this bagel is hot. Can you grab me some mittens? - Angus

Me: (eating my homemade quiche) MMMmm this is so good.
Angus: You should try toast. It's amazing.

All the kids love cooking dinner with Dan. He taught Mya how to make burgers. I don't know what he puts in them but they're delicious.

Then she made strawberry jam. It's the same one we made before from the Joanna Gaines cookbook. The kids love it so much they won't eat any other jam now. So I guess we'll just have to keep making it. 

Mya found Henry Danger on Netflix. It's love.

Dan teaching Addie to tie a bow. 💗

Speaking of bows. When it rains, I look for the rainbow afterward. It's been nice staying home because I never miss these beauties. This one was a giant. Then I looked at it a minute later and it was a double rainbow. Love it.

I'm still very slowly cooking my way through Joanna Gaines's cookbook. This was the last quiche. I only sprinkled chives on half of it in hopes that Angus would eat some. But he smelled it and left the room. Oh well. I enjoyed every bite.

Addie made veggie pigs in a blanket. It's a staple around here. We use morning star sausages and wrap them in crescent rolls. The kids don't like regular sausages because they say they're too spicy.

We have lots of kids between the 3 of us (mostly Mari) so we took a very well-deserved break from them and ate and drank overlooking this amazing view. The ocean always resets my inner peace.

Mya and Winter are unfortunately growing out of the stage of mismatched adorableness. But Addie's still very much not. And that makes me happy.

Dan found a milkweed plant with a bunch of caterpillars chowing down on it. He brought it home in hopes that the caterpillars would form chrysalises. It's always been a dream of his to watch the metamorphosis at home with the kids. We have all been pretty obsessed with it I must say. 

We currently have five chrysalises. We tried to catch them mid change but it's pretty fast so we missed it. We are going to borrow a GoPro so we can hopefully catch them turning into butterflies soon. It'll be about a week until it happens. It has been a highlight of the year so far for sure.

Mya organized Angus's drawers for fun, Marie Kondo style. Normally, I just throw his clothes in the drawers so we'll see how this goes...

Me: Awe Winter, I just love your little dimple on your cheek.

"Okay, don't move Addie. Is that too tight?" 

Angus is going to be the nicest police officer.

An awesome neighbor dad took these lovely ladies for a long bike ride. We have so many photos of these girls posing on their bikes over the years. They're all using grown-up bikes now. Well, except Mya. She's still tiny.

They went for a hike the following weekend.

And took pictures of each other.

Well, it's the dead of Winter here and the days are rough.

Mya got a 4.0 the first semester of the school year and the school staff delivered these signs to the kids. I'm so proud of her. Some subjects don't come easily for her but she tries her best and even asks the teacher if she can redo an assignment if she didn't get a good grade on it.  

Slime making in the backyard. They were so excited about it that they forgot they were wearing helmets. We usually wait until Dan goes to work to make slime. It makes him nervous just thinking about the mess.

Caroline came into town and spent her birthday thrift store shopping with Mya. Mari and I have raised thrift store shoppers for life.

The only way Dan will eat hot dogs is cooked over the stove until they're black, then he covers them in mustard. The kids think it's the most disgusting amazing thing they've ever.

I discovered a way to make chicken enchiladas easier. I didn't have any chicken defrosted so I heated up some chicken nuggets and diced them up and put them in the enchiladas. They were actually really good. The toasted chicken nuggets add texture. So for all you moms that always have chicken nuggets on hand, put them in your enchiladas next time. So good.

*Dan does not endorse this shortcut. He believes in cooking things with extra love. He didn't try them though.

I stopped drinking coffee in the mornings. It was causing shortness of breath. I think caffeine affects me more than it used to. And maybe life right now is a bit more stressful so I don't need extra anxiety. I found this at Target on the shelf on the coffee aisle. They may or may not carry it at the grocery store. I mix it with oat milk and it's quite delicious. I realize it has caffeine in it. Just not as much as coffee.

Happy Thursday! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making my day! I especially loves your pier pic!
