Tuesday, May 11, 2021

wag campin' 2021

We went camping last weekend! It was a successful trip. Everyone had fun and wants to go back. I liked the campground, complete with bathrooms and showers. It can get crowded on the weekends but it's clean and everyone was pretty nice. Here's the website below if you want to check it out. It's about 3 hours up north in Kern County. I found more pics on Yelp and Instagram. We booked 3 weeks in advance so I think it's pretty easy to get a reservation.

Two cars. Two tents. One big family 😊

Angus: Going pee on the tree! (pees on tree) That was amazing!

Addie's rock family.

Otter went swimming. She was supposed to be retrieving her toy that Dan threw in the water but changed her mind and went after some ducklings in the deeper part of the river. We all realized the current was too much for her so we had to fish her out. And by we, I mean Mya and Dan. So that was exciting. I'm sure she would have just kept going after the ducks and drowned. Her heart is 4 but her body is almost 13. 💗

Angus: Ummm I need a boat.

Dan made an awesome dinner on the fire. I made some salads ahead of time. 

I accidentally shrunk one of Dan's favorite hats. But now it fits Angus perfectly.

There's a town just down the street from the campsite so we went out to dinner for Mother's Day.

Angus could sense that this was kind of a fancy place so he asked, "Mom, where do I fart?"

Angus and Addie loved playing with all of their toys in the dirt and making rock families with a sharpie. We went fishing, rode bikes, explored the river, chased squirrels, roasted marshmallows, looked at millions of stars (something we don't get to see here in Azusa) and ate a ton of snacks. That's probably the kids' favorite part of camping; the junk food they have full access to all day long.

Happy belated Mom's day to all you mommas out there! 
And a happy Tuesday to you all.

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