Friday, August 20, 2021

thankful thursday but it's friday

I've been in a funk this last couple of weeks. I'm done with summer, done with my family, done with Covid, done with the state of the world, pretty much just done with it all. Jesus, please come soon. I keep thinking how much I need a vacation or time away or time with friends. A massage would be nice too.

But then I woke up yesterday knowing exactly what I needed to snap out of this funk. A thankful heart. 

And though, it's never wrong to feel my feelings, it's not helpful when it goes on for too long. And it's not what God wants for me. 

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." -1 Thessalonians 5:18.

So, I started thinking of the things I'm thankful for. It's a ridiculous list. Like, it's ridiculous how many things one person has to be thankful for. Many people cannot say they have:

-Four good-natured, fun kids

-A husband who loves me and is an amazing father to our kids. (He cooks, fixes things, works hard, manages the finances, loves the Lord, and strives to be a better man daily, among other things)

-My health

-A church family who loves and supports us

-Family & friends

-A nice home in Sunny Southern California with lots of space and new appliances

-Dependable vehicles

-Good schools our kids can attend, free of charge

-And say what you will about our past and present leaders and all the mistakes our country has made lately, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. My heart breaks for Afghanistan. And though I can't do much to help besides pray for them, I can be thankful for what my family has and not take it for granted.

This is Addie doing her flamingo pose.

If my kids grow up and want to look for me in all their photos, all they need to do is check the shadows and there I am holding my phone.

We went to a lovely birthday party. The kids had a blast.

Winter hit the pinata off of the rope and proceeded to beat it to death on the ground. She really wanted the candy. I asked the people next to me, "Who's kid is that?"

They had an awesome water slide.

And cake!

Surprise attack =)

We celebrated Mya's 12th birthday too. It feels like she's 15 sometimes, but also it wasn't but only a few years ago she was toddling around with her chubby cheeks.

She's helping Winter wrap her present because Mya is the one who wraps all the presents. Why should her birthday be any different?

The neighbor boy got a new jeep. Angus suggested that they take the baby dolls for a ride.

Otter is helping clean the dishes.

I don't have any recommendations this week but I'd love yours!

Happy weekend friends!

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