Wednesday, April 27, 2022

where'd april go??

April has been a mixed bag of hot and cold days like it always is. But Spring is always lovely isn't it? 

A sister huddle...

And Angus heard the hugging from upstairs and ran down to join.

Heard around here: 

(I'm constantly trying to teach my kids to be grateful. I feel like they complain a lot...)

Addie: There's banana chunks in the smoothie. (sets full smoothie down by the sink)

Winter: This chicken is terrible. But thanks for cooking, mom! (baby steps)


Mya: Everything scares me.

Me: What scares you the most?

Mya: Well peacocks are pretty terrifying.

Addie is staring at the clock to make sure it actually moves. She's still not convinced.

Snail gathering. A favorite activity for the younger three. 

We went to visit our Higerd buddies.

Winter and Angus played basketball in the church league. Angus has literally never touched a basketball so he learned a lot.

The little kids are highly entertaining to watch. There are handstands, hugging, pushups, kids waving at their parents, parents bribing their kids to pass the ball, and the ref yelling things like, Don't forget to dribble! or No, we're going the other way! or in Angus's case, Pass it to me! when the other team has the ball.

Yep his eyes are closed and the ball is headed his way. 

He looks ready this time...

Angus: I made a hoopty hoop before the game mom. 
Me: A basket? 
Angus: Yeah I can't do that during the game with everyone chasing me. 
And this one guy keeps taking the ball from me. He's so rude. 

Class pictures this year. I was trying to show my family the different sizes. Angus is not the favorite. Well maybe sometimes he is. =)

Waiting for Winter to get out of school, testing the reclining seat buttons.

Dan and I went to Mathis Bros to look for a new rug that doesn't look like a family of 6 tap dances on it (with dirty tap shoes) every morning. We've been there enough times in the past to know that the moment you step in that door, a salesperson is assigned to you. They don't tell you that but that salesperson subtly follows you around the store until you stop walking and look at a piece of furniture and they sneak up to you and say, "Hi! Is there anything I can help you with?! They work on commission. Dan and I always pray that our sales vulture isn't too pushy or a big fan of cologne. We entered the store, which is more like a warehouse, and quickly walked through the couches and rugs zig zagging in order to give our assigned salesperson a good workout. I would look behind me and there would be a gentleman in a suit who would pretend that he was checking the couches for fluffiness and then would proceed to follow us. This is Dan showing me the tag on the ottoman we were looking at. I know. Great pic. It wasn't meant to document the day, just the ottoman.

This is the kind of pic I send my husband when he's at work. To which he responds, "Nice." We're that age now.

Not a bad pic. This was the first year ever that we all had our outfits picked out the day before, and the morning actually went smoothly and my hair cooperated. Mya did ask me to curl her hair to which I quickly replied, "No freaking way dude." I know myself way too well to throw in a wrench like that on Easter morning. I would have literally started biting heads off.

After church, we headed over to my aunt and uncle's house for a lovely lunch and egg hunt.

Mya was too old for the church Easter egg hunt so she went twice as hard as the other kids.

Duck duck goose action shot. There is a random neighbor boy in the middle of the game. He just joined in. His Easter must not have been very exciting. 
(Thank you to Auntie Dani for the pics!)

Remember the old cameras? You would take a pic and hope for the best and this was all you got...

And then digital cameras came along and... Our kids will never appreciate how much work was put in to getting just one good photo.

"Mom! Take a picture of my jammies and send it to Ms. Elder." (his teacher)

He's sleeping under a curtain. I'm sure he had his reasons.

Cousin time 💖

The big girls got to sleepover at their cousins house so we took the littles out for pancakes. We sat at a booth. We never get to do that anymore with our family of six.

I just have one recommendation this time.

I'm obsessed with this game. It's so fun. Addie, Mya and Winter have been playing with Dan and me. I rarely win or even come close. I'm not proud of my lack of sportsmanship. Dan says I'm teaching the kids how to be poor losers. I say I'm teaching them what not to do. Teaching doesn't always have to be, lead by example you know. Anyway, I highly recommend this game. It's fun for all ages and you can play with two people or five.

Happy Wednesday!

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