Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Happy May and 5 weeks


Winter has been asking us for a puppy and Angus has been asking for a brother. I'm so happy our neighbors have a puppy Winter can play with and a little boy Angus can pretend is his little bro. There's no way we're delivering either to them.

My big baby still likes to snuggle.

Mya and her bff organize for fun. I'm glad they have each other.

I appreciate the kids' dentist office with TV's on the ceiling =)

Winter is longer than the chair but that's fine.

For months, I looked at my temp app to see if the sun would ever come out at the beach for a beach day. I finally saw 69 degrees and sunny so I took the kids to my favorite spot in Newport. Unfortunately, the app lied and it was 62 and cloudy. But the kids didn't care. They made the best of it.

Angus turned 8 which still doesn't make sense to me. 

To celebrate him allegedly turning 8, we took him and his buddy to a place with minigolf, gocarts, and an arcade. I got two completely lucky holes in one and beat Dan at minigolf which is a huge accomplishment because I rarely beat him at anything. So I probably will never play minigolf with him again so that I can say forever that I'm better at golf than he is =)

He used to lay next to Otter and Otter was longer than he was. Why do they have to grow?

Winter was invited to a 5-year-old's birthday party. She didn't even think twice about going. She may be our biggest kid but she's still very much just a big kid =) I would say of all the kids she's the most playful. Never grow up sweetie.

Dan and I often go down to the beach for the day. All we do is eat at different places pretty much. Lunch at Sessions, happy hour at The Flyin' Fish and Dinner at San Shi Go sushi.

Wendy was in town for a super quick trip to Anaheim and we got to hang out with her and Mark for the day. It was lovely seeing them of course.

May is always a fun time to celebrate the kids' accomplishments. Mya and Winter made the honor roll...

Addie read so many books that she got a t-shirt and a cap.

We went out for Yogurtland to celebrate.

Angus participated in the talent show. He told jokes =)

Winter and Mya played their basses in the big May orchestra concert.

Mya earned her "Grand Master Champion award" which means she can play really well pretty much. She can explain "scale karate" for you if you want.

Dan went down on the floor before the concert started to get a selfie with the girls. Mya wouldn't come over (because she wasn't supposed to leave her seat) until he called her name loudly and embarrassed her. =) 

And Mya graduated 8th grade! She's going to High School nexy month which is nuts because she was just born like 5 years ago.

I will try to post my June blog before it is August. Wish me luck. 
Summer is behind this year in SoCal and so am I.

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