Sunday, July 23, 2023

Orlando 2023

We went to Orlando in June, the day after school got out. It only took me about 2 months to post the pics. I'm hopeful that I'll be so on top of things that I will post another summer-related post in the next week. Fingers crossed. I'm feeling really productive these days for some reason. It comes and goes. 

This trip was kind of a big deal. Winter was supposed to go to Orlando last year with all of her cousins and got sick the day before we left. She had a fever and possibly Covid so we ended up taking Addie instead. She had such a great attitude about it. Delta credited her and this year we had to use that credit or lose it. So I booked another trip to Orlando, just Winter and me. And of course her fabulous Auntie Wendy. I was so scared that she was going to get sick again and I had at least a dozen people constantly praying for our trip. If you think God may not care about vacations, He totally does.

It was so evident from the moment we arrived at the airport until we flew home that He was making sure it was the best possible trip ever. I couldn't do the auto check-in since I had a separate ticket, checking in a minor so we waited in a giant line. We got to the airport 2 hours before we needed to be but we needed some extra time. God delayed our flight 30 mins. =)

June is normally sunny and humid and kind of miserable in Orlando but we arrived to a forecast of rain. It was supposed to rain all 3 days we were at the parks. So we brought our ponchos but God made it cloudy and it only rained when we were inside eating and on our way home. Wendy said that never happens. There were several times when something looked like it wasn't going to work out, God worked it out.

And on the safari, the lion and lioness were both up and walking around. Wendy said that's the first time she's seen that and she's been 100 times. Winter LOVES wild cats. 

Seriously, the whole trip was magical. I don't think God cares about Disney but I know he cares about our happiness and hears our prayers.

And let's give a bunch of credit to Auntie Wendy who went above and beyond and made us never want to go to a Disney park without her.

Oh and when I came home and went to PT for my shoulder, my therapist said my shoulder was better than ever. He thought I had been doing some serious PT at home but all I did was walk 25 miles at 3 Disney parks.

Winter took this and sent it to Mya with a laughing emoji. Pre-teens.

This is how Wendy led us through the crowds. =)

If you're thinking about the perfect vacation, go to Orlando in February and have Wendy guide you through the parks. You will get 10,000 steps in and you'll have fun. 

Happy Sunday!

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