Sunday, November 3, 2013

good hell

I've mentioned my grandma Dora a few times already. I can't help it. She's just so much fun to talk about. Plus, she's a big part of my life. I took the girls over there Saturday. Grandma is pretty out of it these days caused mostly by meds but we think she also has slight dementia. She's also going blind so that doesn't help things. She thought I was my sister and couldn't tell the girls apart. But that's pretty normal. My brother was over there visiting as well. He usually brings his 2 month old with him but not this time.

He was carrying my nearly 3-year-old, Winter, and decided to take her over to say hello to Grandma. Grandma smiled and said, "Is that my boy?!" talking about Mike's 2 month old. He smiled and said, "yeah!" and set Winter in her lap. With a gasp she said, "Good hell he's gotten big!" Yeah, I would say Winter is pretty big for a 2 month old boy haha. She's so funny.

The girls also got to take a spin in Grandma's electric wheelchair with my mom. It's pretty old so mom drives it around to keep it from dying. They liked it almost as much as the ponies at the festival last week.


Mom, you really should drive with your eyes OPEN. :-)

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