Thursday, November 28, 2013


We just got home from the hospital with baby #3! I'll get to that in a minute but first, here are a few pictures from the last week or so. There's not a lot I can do right now. I've been told to sit as much as possible. No cable so blog it is.

This was my sister's 40th birthday family get-together. There are several things I like about this picture. First, Mya is in Christmas PJs she wore to the party. I let them wear whatever they want most of the time. Winter is wearing a monkey suit my sister keeps in her toy box for the girls. It is for a 12 month old. The other little girl is a friend's two year old who is "helping" Wendy open presents along with my helpers. They kept grabbing cards and presents and opening them before Wendy could do anything. I laughed the whole time along with several others. Wendy kept looking around for help but no one came to her rescue. She just kept saying, "Wait! Hold on! What does that card go to? Who is this from?! Ahh, Amie! Get your kids" I just laughed and said, "You invited them!" =) Presents are way too magnetic for kids. To tell any child they can't help their auntie open them would just be cruel.

Dan has been REALLY into juicing lately. It's his new thing. I'm totally supportive. Although it is expensive, it's super healthy so juice on honey! I love that the girls are wearing their preschool Thanksgiving hats while watching him. It is rare that they are wearing normal clothes without accessories. That is so boring.

Mya took this at the carwash Monday. I look like batman.

Winter took this one. She jacked my phone again and of course I had no idea as usual. I just found the pictures later. But impressive picture. It's not blurry and it captures her 2-year-old ankles. It's the only time in ones life when chubby ankles are cute.

I often catch these two being loving. I told Mya how I love to see them like this. She said, "I'm feeling Winter's heart mommy." So sweet.
Winter and I went on a long walk to get the baby out Tuesday. She likes to hunt for sticks and leaves.

It worked!

Adelyn Marie Wagenbrenner.
7 lbs 3 oz. 20 inches long. Born Wednesday morning, 11/27/13 at 9:30AM at Foothill Presbyterian Hospital. Dan chose the name. I liked Adeline. He thought I said Adelyn. I liked that too. Marie is after his mom. We'll call her Addie.
Best labor experience yet. The contractions were pretty intense so I ordered the epidural around 5 centimeters. The whole labor was pain free, including the pushing. Didn't feel a thing. Now that's the way to do it. (That was my plan for the first two births but of course they rarely go according to plan. Pain city, both of them.) And we had the best team of nurses too. If everyone could have babies like that, I'm sure there would be more babies in the world. We prayed for a smooth, drama free labor and God answers prayer! I'm glad that was the one my sister was able to witness. Adelyn looks almost identical to Winter as a newborn. I'm kind of hoping their personalities are polar opposites. We only need one Winter in the world! :-)
One year ago on Thanksgiving we lost Dan's mom. It's only fitting that we are bringing our new baby home on Thanksgiving this year. We also say good-bye to an amazing lady, Dora Snow, as we welcome a new addition to the family. Life is so crazy like that.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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