Thursday, December 26, 2013

little mommy

Mya is going to be the best mommy one day. She may already be a better mom than me. She has the patience of a saint and actually enjoys everything that comes along with taking care of a baby. She wants to help me with EVERYTHING. When it is time to change the baby, she puts the diapers and wipes right next to me. When I need to change the baby's clothes, I am not allowed to pick which ones. That is Mya's job. She folds the clothes, keeps my diaper and wipes supply stocked, puts the dirty clothes in the hamper and sings to the baby when she's fussy. If she were a few years older, she could probably raise Adelyn herself. She's taking tons of mental notes. No one could possibly answer the million questions she asks me daily about what I'm doing with the baby and why.

(This is not a real baby)

Winter is helpful too. When the baby cries she yells, "Her needs milk from your booboos mommy!"

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


So far, I like four. Then again, it's Mya. We'll see what the future holds for the other two personalities. As a mom, you get a front row seat to the ever changing and molding of little minds. You get to see how four-year-old logic works. Mya is fun to watch because she is the oldest. Every new phase is uncharted territory for us. I love her excitement for the world around her as she looks at everything with bright-eyed optimism.

Yesterday, a friend of ours dropped by to meet the baby and deliver presents. Mya ripped open her package and revealed a book that came with stickers, stamps and crayons. She exclaimed, "This is my favoritest present!" Then examined it for a few seconds and asked, "What is it?" :-) If only everyone reacted that way to gifts they received.

A few days ago, Mya lost her bike helmet at one of our neighbors' houses. We are often in and out of many homes around here. Mya and Dan came home not sure where they had left it. They said they looked for it but no luck. So that night after the blessing, Mya said, "Oh I forgot to pray for my helmet to come back!" So she did. After she went to bed, my neighbor texted me that she had found it in her back yard behind a bush. I love to see my little girl's prayers answered. It reminds me that no matter what the prayer, nothing is too small for our God.

Sunday, December 22, 2013


 Happy 3rd birthday Winter Paige Wagenbrenner!
To my strong willed, affectionate, messy firecracker:
I love your strut. You do everything with personality, even walk.
I love that you are drawn magnetically to anything you are not supposed to do.
I love how affectionate you are. You love to kiss and hug me and tell me you love me.
I love that you go to Mya when I punish you because she gives you a hug and tells you it's okay.
I love that you love accessories, especially hats, and wear them with style.
I love that your prayer all year has been, "Jesus, baby mommy's tummy, Jesus, Amen."
I love how much you love your baby dolls. You always make sure they have everything they need like a paci and a blanky. And no matter how many you acquire, that would be your first choice if you were to pick any new toy.
I love your independence. You have always been fine going into the nursery or your new preschool.
And I can leave you with new babysitters and you are happy.
And although we should start working on this, your attitude toward adults is pretty funny. You are not intimidated by anyone and usually don't acknowledge people when they say hello to you or ask you a question. Sometimes you give them a glance but you usually ignore them. 
I love that you have a crush on our 39-year-old neighbor and his 10-year-old son.
I love how you boss the dogs around...and they listen to you.
Your stubborn streak makes me crazy but it also makes me laugh a lot throughout the day.
I love it when you say things like, "I no hit Mya Mommy, I just kick her!"
I love that you named your babies black baby and blue baby.

I love that you blow on something if you drop it on the floor.
I love that a helmet is your favorite accessory
I love that you can get dirty anywhere doing anything.
I love that you still like to be rocked like a little baby I love that you drool all. the. time.
I love that you are always a mess. Your hair is never neat and tidy. Your face is usually bruised, dirty and covered in drool.
I love it when you wear three outfits at the same time so you look crazy :)

It's been a wild ride with you little lady. I Love you more than I could ever tell you. 


Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Baby Addy, 2 weeks...
Not too much time to blog :-) The girls cannot get enough of this little baby.
She's my favorite infant so far. Very cooperative. She even gives me 6 hours in a row at night. Seriously.
I'm actually enjoying this phase. I didn't so much with the first two because I was worried about how much sleep I wasn't getting or how much the baby was eating or bottle feeding and all kinds of new born stuff. It could be that she's a much easier baby, but I really am loving every minute of my time with this one...