Tuesday, December 24, 2013


So far, I like four. Then again, it's Mya. We'll see what the future holds for the other two personalities. As a mom, you get a front row seat to the ever changing and molding of little minds. You get to see how four-year-old logic works. Mya is fun to watch because she is the oldest. Every new phase is uncharted territory for us. I love her excitement for the world around her as she looks at everything with bright-eyed optimism.

Yesterday, a friend of ours dropped by to meet the baby and deliver presents. Mya ripped open her package and revealed a book that came with stickers, stamps and crayons. She exclaimed, "This is my favoritest present!" Then examined it for a few seconds and asked, "What is it?" :-) If only everyone reacted that way to gifts they received.

A few days ago, Mya lost her bike helmet at one of our neighbors' houses. We are often in and out of many homes around here. Mya and Dan came home not sure where they had left it. They said they looked for it but no luck. So that night after the blessing, Mya said, "Oh I forgot to pray for my helmet to come back!" So she did. After she went to bed, my neighbor texted me that she had found it in her back yard behind a bush. I love to see my little girl's prayers answered. It reminds me that no matter what the prayer, nothing is too small for our God.

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