Thursday, December 26, 2013

little mommy

Mya is going to be the best mommy one day. She may already be a better mom than me. She has the patience of a saint and actually enjoys everything that comes along with taking care of a baby. She wants to help me with EVERYTHING. When it is time to change the baby, she puts the diapers and wipes right next to me. When I need to change the baby's clothes, I am not allowed to pick which ones. That is Mya's job. She folds the clothes, keeps my diaper and wipes supply stocked, puts the dirty clothes in the hamper and sings to the baby when she's fussy. If she were a few years older, she could probably raise Adelyn herself. She's taking tons of mental notes. No one could possibly answer the million questions she asks me daily about what I'm doing with the baby and why.

(This is not a real baby)

Winter is helpful too. When the baby cries she yells, "Her needs milk from your booboos mommy!"

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