Tuesday, March 4, 2014


This morning at 6:20AM, as I was making Winter some breakfast, somehow she managed to get her finger stuck in a hole located on the side of the baby's bouncy chair. I really wasn't surprised. I was kind of amused actually. Poor Winter was kind of freaking out and there I was debating on whether or not to take a picture. 

So, I tried to yank on it a little bit to see if it would budge but it was in there pretty good. I tried to think of something slippery that would make it slide out so I grabbed the soap. I squirted some on her finger and in the hole but it didn't help at all. It dried and made it kind of sticky. 

Winter was not happy. She said calmly, "No, stop. Just wait." I said, "Okaaay... what are we waiting for?" She replied, "Fo Daddy, just wait fo Daddy." So I said "Okay, I'll go get Daddy." (He has experience with this type of thing anyway) So I went and got Dan out of bed and told him he was needed downstairs. I came back down the stairs and took the baby out of the chair and started unscrewing the side. I told Winter Daddy was coming to help her. But she cried, "No! Daddy's gonna be too fast! No!" I couldn't help but laugh.

She actually managed to pull it out just as Dan got downstairs. We took pictures afterward :)

Oh and FYI, Vaseline is what Dan recommended. Also you can try holding the extremity above your head that is stuck. That way, the blood rushes out and makes it smaller. Good to know.

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