Sunday, June 28, 2015

feisty four

"Today is tomorrow and that is why it is always tomorrow." 

"I can't look at you mom. I gotta pay attention to the road." 

-Winter pretending to drive the fire engine

Dan: Let me see his junk. (talking about Angus's boy parts)
Winter: I wanna see junk!

Winter at 4 is nowhere near as hard as Winter at 2 and 3. She is mostly loving and happy a lot of the time. But then some days we revert back to our old 3 year old today. Today was going to be a good day, well at least a good morning. Because even though it's Dan's third day at work, as long as I can get to church by 8:45 I can go sit in church by myself for an hour and a half. It is the only time I actually sit by myself without someone asking me for something, crying to be fed, climbing on me or barking at neighbors or slobbering on me. And then there's the dogs... hahaha! Sorry I'm kinda loopy. (See my blog on being stoned)

This morning I let the girls sleep in because they've had some late nights lately and it was so nice and quiet this morning. I am always a bit lax on the whole bedtime thing in the summer. So we had a bit of a late start getting ready for church and by the time I got the babies fed, the girls up, dressed, hair done and breakfast granola bars in hand, it was already time for church to start. 

Oh well, I tried. Winter informed me on the way that she was NOT going to her new class because she doesn't like her new teacher. "She's stinky." She actually smells quite nice. That's just her four-year-old expression for not liking someone. Mya was not happy either. She's usually my helper but she didn't want to push the stroller today. I had Addie on one hip and a couple of bags in the other arm so I told her she just had to. She complained the whole way to the nursery but she pushed the stroller for me, stopping every few seconds then starting again. 

I took Winter kicking and screaming to her class and sat down in church (30 mins late) and took a deep breath. It was a great sermon although I was a bit frazzled and distracted thinking about whether or not I was a good mom making Winter go to class even when she doesn't want to. After church I got Mya from her class and she raced over to Winter's room and informed me that Winter was laying on the floor and not listening to her teacher. So I bribed her with a pink cupcake (I purchased from the bake sale) to apologize to her stinky teacher which she did, and then we were on our way home. Both babies fussed the whole way home because that's what babies do. 

Four kids ages 5 and under (and two large dogs) is not for the faint of heart. It's only for the moms who want to see how much they can handle... and how much they can't. But they can be so cute and sweet... sometimes.

My enormous 2-month-old.

Cute and sweet :)

Morning watered down OJ's :)


Arm kisses

Wearing mommy's shoes, smiling for the camera.

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