Sunday, June 21, 2015

happy father's day

Today was Father's Day. It was a good day I guess. I managed to get all four kids to church on time despite Winter's efforts. As I was shooing the kids into the car, I realized Winter was still in her pjs. So I ran upstairs, grabbed a dress and shoes, yelled at her like a drill Sargent as she put them on, threw her hair in a ponytail and off we went. Church was lovely. All the kids went to their classes and I got to sit, uninterrupted for one hour and 30 minutes. After church, the babies napped, then we went to the station to visit Dan. Here are some pics:

I then went to Target with all four because I was feeling brave and dumb. I threw Angus in the Bjorn, and Addie in the stroller. We stopped to get "dinner" when we got there because it was 6:00 so Winter got a smoothie and Mya got a pretzel. Addie didn't want anything but fussed the whole time. She already had a Larabar in the car so I figured that could be her dinner. 

The girls were great. They even shared their pretzel and smoothie with each other. Angus peed on me for the fourth time this week. I felt something wet on my right flip-flop and Mya yelled, "He's peeing!" I shushed her and proceeded to get the items I needed. I didn't even care. Once home, Addie threw herself on the floor and started to cry. I figured it was time for bed. 

Then I ate MY dinner (a microwave dinner and a little wine) while Mya gave Winter a bath. I could hear her barking orders while Winter washed up. 

I'm tired. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow Amie. I have 3 boys & you broke my record of being peed on! in one week no less! You deserve that wine girl!
