Monday, June 15, 2015

oh siri

I just love this picture of me and my favorite females on the planet... well living ones anyway. I liked my grandma a lot. She was pretty hilarious. 

Anyway, that's my sis on the right and mom on the left. Mom has become quite the voice texter. But lately there have been some... typos? Not sure what you call it when Siri doesn't understand what you're saying and writes the wrong thing. I copied two of my texts from my mom because they made me laugh so hard when I got them. 

The first one scared me at first. She wrote, 

"Okay. But just to let you know and demons is coming over at 11 to cover my other 3 chairs with me. We will be using drive in staple guns that they will be on the table. Anyway would love to have you come in play with Ethan and hang out." 

Demons are scary enough as it is but demons with staple guns? Forget about it.

And this one came today,

"Are you going to come and hang out with us this week? I have a hair appointment on Tuesday. But I have eaten all week the rest of the days." 

I told her she must have been full. ha!

So the first one was supposed to read, Auntie Rose is coming over, not demons.
The second one should have said I have Ethan all week. =) 


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