Monday, August 31, 2015

love y'all

My brother's family is in town from Texas for my niece's wedding. They stayed with my mom last weekend so we hung out over there most of the day for swimming and cousin bonding time. I didn't get many pictures because they have 5 kids and we have 4 and who has time for pictures with that many kids needing sunscreen and making sure they don't drown and changing poopie diapers and nursing and making PB&honey sandwiches?

It was a lovely day though actually. The cousins kept each other busy and Dan and I were able to sit and catch up with my bro and sis-in-law.

I just have to share the highlight of the day though. As I was putting sunscreen on Mya and Winter, my nephews were already swimming in the pool. 4-year-old Avery announced that he had to go potty so his big bros (Andrew 8 and Anthony 14) told him to get out of the pool and pee over by the fence by the deep end. No biggie cuz he's a boy and that's just what they do. So Avery got out, walked to the opposite side of the pool, dropped his shorts, aimed INTO the pool and began peeing in the deep end. Covered in sunscreen, with rings in my mouth, I shouted, turn around!!! TURN AROUND!! But I was too far away. It was too late. His brothers ran over to him but just stood there. They weren't about to touch him probably fearful that if they turned him he'd pee on them. So he just continued to pee with all of us looking yelling at him. His mom heard the commotion and came out and scolded who needed it... the brothers who just stood there and the 4-year-old who knew better.

I was grossed out but went in about 30 minutes later giving the chlorine a chance to work and stayed over by the shallow end... Mya and Winter weren't about to let that put a stop to pool fun. They jumped right in, pee and all. Oh Avery =)

Mya in her happy place, hanging with her fav cousin Angela. She's 10 I think. 

Winter in her happy place, hanging out with 14 year-old Anthony. She's all about the older dudes these days.

Regina in her happy place holding my two babies. She would have had 20 if she could. Look at them. They are like the same size. Oh chunky Angus.

Hallway Legos. Trying to hide from Addie =)

This is the whole fam. Check out the little guy in front with the BBQ sauce bottle. That would be Avery =) Gotta love 4.

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