Monday, October 5, 2015

left over beach pics + miscellaneous

These are some more pics from the beach somehow I missed. Okay sorry for the gross trash pic but I had to share. These are dead flies stuck to fly tape I put in the trash cupboard. There are SO many flies at the beach house. We leave our doors open all day because... we like the beach breeze and it's hot and there's no screen and no AC. The flies congregate by the kitchen, mostly by the trash. I clean that kitchen all the time to eliminate the flies and it helps. But wow, this is impressive. This was over two weeks but still. crazy.

This is Winter sitting on Bill. He's way too nice to her. We've been talking to Winter about personal space. I think I've mentioned that she loves boys and men. I would say she's kind of boy crazy. She's also super affectionate. So lately we've had to make rules for her. When you want to hug someone, ask for their permission, don't just attack-hug them. And then count to 3 and let go. Don't hang on them until they have to pry your body off of theirs. She rarely remembers but it's a process I think.  

I take about 100 pics of this kid a day. Who can help it when she looks like this? 

This is Lt. Dan. named after the paraplegic from Forrest Gump. He's got no legs. Our upstairs neighbor at the beach puts this guy in his front seat when commuting so he can ride in the carpool lane. Sneaky. He's pretty real looking. The girls found him one day when we were in the garage. They were like, "Mom! There's someone in the car!" Dan and I looked and sure enough there was. We told the guy that the girls found his dummy and he was embarrassed because of it's purpose. But then, he had some fun with it and left him in the bike trailer to scare the girls. They loved it.  

Me and Angus. I was too lazy to put sunscreen on a 4th child so I just used the bjorn, my hooter hider and a hat instead. Worked great.  

Beach selfies with the girls. 

A nice stranger saw me taking pics and offered to take one of us. (Dan was staying with the napping babies) 

When we got back into town the day we left the beach it was kind of funny to see a familiar vagrant (that's what Dan calls homeless people) crossing the street in front of me. I had to snap a pic. Beautiful Azusa. I do love this guy. And I love that he has the American flag propped up on his shopping cart. Very patriotic.

Back to life! 
Forget dangerous things like light sockets and choking hazards. In a matter of a few minutes, Addie tried to feed Angus cereal, stomp on his head but was intercepted by mama, then she laid on his head slightly suffocating him and Angus was again saved by mama. You're welcome Angus. I refuse to keep him up on tables and out of Addie's reach. His first 4 months were spent above ground. I need to let him practice rolling and stuff. Pretty risky though...

Here's a pic of Winter multitasking. Eating a strawberry while feeding "Black Baby" under the nursing cover... but she's using a bottle. 

Mya continues to impress me with her determination and confidence. Okay this is a silly example but today she asked me about this outfit that matches her doll's outfit she got a couple of years ago for her birthday. I told her it was in storage in one of the bags or boxes and no way did I have the desire to go hunting for it. So that little stinker waited until I was feeding Angus and found it in about 5 minutes. If you saw our storage you would be impressed too. Well here:

No idea where she found both the skirt AND shirt but she did. She was like, no big deal. It was in a box. She's going to be like my neighbor April who can buy anything from Ikea and assemble it perfectly on the first try. Go Mya. I'm going to ignore the fact that I told her not to go looking for it.

I love the way Addie says fishies. She calls them sheeshees. Every time we go up the stairs, she says bubye sheeshees and does a cute little wave. Ugh, too cute that one. 

We've entered pigtailhood! So excited to fit all of the hair into pigtails. 

Love these feet!! (Angus's) 

The first time they all watched TV together. It didn't last long but it was really nice.  

Heard around here lately: 

Winter: "Mom! Don't flush the toilet! I wanna to see what color my poopoo is!"

Me: Mya, tell Mari thanks for dinner.
Mya: Thanks for dinner Mari...even though I actually didn't eat any.

Winter: Hey mommy if Mary and Joseph (Jesus' parents) had a skunk baby they'd say ah! A skunk! Get off me! Get off me!

Mya: You know, I actually like playing with Winter! 

Mya: Mom do you feed Angus cow milk or soy milk from your boobies?

Winter: Daddy! Addie is drawing on Angus!

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