Tuesday, May 30, 2017

my people

On Mother's Day, I didn't feel the burning need to leave my family (like I usually do on Mother's Day) for the first time since I became a mom. For some reason I just kind of wanted to hang out with my people. The big girls were very aware that it was Mother's Day and they really wanted to celebrate me. So, I just stayed home and let them. They made me cards and told me that I was their favorite mom. =) 

We went to church, then we paid a visit to my mom while the littles napped, then we all went out for frozen yogurt, and returned home where my hubby cooked a lovely dinner. It was a really nice day actually. This year I have felt incredibly thankful for my little people. I love their individual crazy personalities. I love watching them change and grow. I love the way they are forcing me to grow.

I love that Winter's frowning. It's pretty much impossible to get a perfect pic, not that I'd really want one anyway. That's not reality is it.

Mya is tying Addie's shoe. I was like don't worry about it but Mya insisted. Good lookin' out big sis.

                                     Look at all those little ones. I can't believe we made them. <3 

Thursday, May 25, 2017

IKEA trip

I'm not really writing on the blog so much, as you may have noticed. The only time I am able to do that is nap time and bedtime. These days I find myself organizing toys, sitting on the couch thinking about everything I would like to do but do not have the energy to, or pretending to do laundry while watching a very addicting TV show... so you see I have no time to write anymore.

I'm going to try harder though because I do find that it is very important. I'm not sure why but there is a good reason to blog. Maybe so my kids can read it in the future, or maybe because it is therapeutic. And maybe because others identify with my season. And others, like my sister are just plain entertained. I'm also a lot more honest on the blog than I am on Facebook and Instagram. Blogging isn't just pictures with funny captions, it's stories. Real ones. Like this one...

The downstairs toy box situation was getting out of hand and making me angry every time I looked at it. I've been wanting a shelving unit with the individual compartments for a long time. I've mentioned it to Dan but he poopoo'd the idea every time I've brought it up. He claimed it wouldn't work because the kids would just stuff whatever into the boxes and it would just be an organized mess.

But once I get an idea in my head I just can't let it go. It's how we ended up with the treadmill I needed (that I sold two years later) the super expensive camera (we never use) and the super tiny amazing video camera (I can't find). BUT some of the things I absolutely needed I actually ended up using like the Dyson Animal for instance... and the crazy awesome Vitamix. There are just some things that are worth every penny.

So last Sunday Mari informed me that the shelving unit I was looking for was at IKEA for $65. I had just received a check for $54 from a local consignment store for some clothes I sold, sooooo it was pretty much destiny that I bought the shelves. I mentioned it to Dan again and told him the price of the shelves and informed him that it was just a few more dollars than the check I had in my wallet... He didn't fight the idea too much so I took that as an OK.

I woke up the following day with a very strong urge to get those shelves. I love IKEA but I get lost there every time I go by myself. But Dan was working a 4 day and I didn't want to wait 4 whole days till he got home to put an end to my toy nightmare. He probably wouldn't have agreed to go all the way down there with me anyway. So I told Mari my plan and she is a saint so she watched my two littles to give me a better shot at actually accomplishing my goal. And off I went to the land of cheap furniture in a fun maze setting.

When I got down there, I made sure to ask every person in blue for directions and clear shortcuts. I made it safely down to the warehouse where the shelving unit was. I even located the flat carts all by myself. I tried to lift the box but it was super heavy. But then two large men walked past me. I talked them into putting it on my cart for me and voila. And then once I bought it, an IKEA guy put it in my car for me. I was super proud of myself for not getting lost and finding the shelves and getting them into my car.

The plan was to go and buy it and then talk to Mari about how easy or hard it was for her to build. I wasn't really thinking I would build it myself. I'm not really a build it myself kind of gal. I was going to beg (and possibly bribe) my sweet husband to build it for me. But Mari said it wasn't hard and it shouldn't take more than an hour. And I had a whole two hour nap time to build it. I am a mom of four little ones and that's pretty amazing in itself soooo yeah. How hard could it be?

So I put the little ones to bed and dragged the box out of my car. I took all the pieces out and looked at the instructions. IKEA makes pretty idiot proof instructions I have to say. I was pretty sure a monkey could build the shelves, so I got started. And piece by piece it came together. If you haven't built something like furniture or shelves from IKEA, I strongly recommend it. I felt like I could do anything when I was finished. 

I moved the shelves where I wanted them and went to work. I made little piles of toys, sorting like a crazy person. I was so excited. I wish I had taken a picture of the toy box before I cleaned it out. The toys were stacked so high you couldn't add any more toys to the pile. It was ridiculous. I decided it will just be for dolls and doll accessories from now on. All other toys will go in the super smart and amazing shelves I built ALL BY MYSELF.

AND I made labels for each box. Again, good ol' Mari told me they had labels available on Pinterest I could print out. And I did of course. Soooooooo now we shall see if the kids can actually keep the toys in the correct boxes. They'll get mixed up I'm sure. They aren't magic boxes but I will love putting the toys back where they go because I crave organization. Just a little organization in this messy world I live in. 

Can you even stand it?! So awesome! Dan comes home tomorrow. I cleaned the garage just in case he isn't happy that I did this without consulting him. He loves a good clean garage almost as much as a clean minivan. Oh I cleaned that too. 

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

addie stuff

This girl entertains me all day long. I frequently tell her to stop talking or stop yelling or stop crying to which she replies, NOOOO! I hafta taaaaaaalk! Three is such a fun age though. She is nonstop funny. Sometimes I take notes and sometimes I just laugh.

Addie's prayer the other night: If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet. AMEN

When Winter got the stomach flu last month I let Addie sleep with me. I was exhausted dealing with puking Winter so I just went to bed when Addie did. 

Me: Night night Addie. (turned off the light) Isn't this fun sleeping with mommy?
Addie: Yeah!! Whatta we gonna do?! We gonna dance?!
Me: Ummm no we're gonna sleep.
Addie: oooh I HATE sleeping!!
Me: Okay we'll dance in the morning when we wake up. 
Addie: Ooooookaaaay

Addie: Mommy! Winter has your scissors!
Me: Winter put them back. Get the kid ones.
Winter: Thanks a LOT Addie!
Addie: You're welcome Winter!!!

Doesn't quite understand sarcasm yet. 💗

Me: Whoa! Did you guys see that motorcycle?!
Addie: YEAH!!!... But I actually didn't.

Winter: Addie I have a knock knock joke for you. Why isn't Elsa allowed to hold the balloon?
Addie: because I have a song for you, let it gooooooo!!! Let it goooooo!!!
I think Addie's heard that one before 😆
But what makes me laugh the most is that it is not a knock knock joke =)

Monday, May 8, 2017

angus the custodian

Vacuum, broom, spoon and boo (when you scare someone) are all the same word right now. ABOOM!

broom hockey =)

Look at his eyes. He's in love. He will hunt down a vacuum in anyone's garage. This is a steamer I think...

I got him a real shark lightweight sweeper for his birthday. Of course. He may as well clean the house while he's playing. 

And then I found him a mini dirt devil at the thrift store! Soooo I pretty much had to get it right? It makes a really annoying sound but he loves it more than the real one we got him. It's unfortunate because the toy doesn't clean but whatever. I will settle for a happy 2 year old any time. 

Thursday, May 4, 2017

black and white april

Here is a pic of happy Addie super excited to go in the neighbor's "pool." Well it's kind of a pool. It's like a giant blow up, 3 feet deep pool you fill up with hose water... Addie got in and hopped back out and exclaimed, "I HATE this pool!!!!" Kind of predicted that one. The temp was not warm.

Here is Angus hanging out... on Addie.

And here are the two of them in their usual 6AM spot... On my lap. My eyes are currently half open sipping coffee. But always on the ball enough to snap a pic.

Where is that trash guy?

And when mom sits... the little ones say, "Oh look a cozy momchair!" 

Sometimes she comes to "sleep" in my bed with me and all her dolls in the morning. This is my pillow. I gave up sleeping and took a pic instead.

This is an "I can't stop taking annoying pictures of my kids" picture. I seriously can't stop. He's just too perfect. I really need to take more of the big girls. 

Such a boy. See? Can't stop.

Dan loves to work in the yard and plant things. I never really had the desire to do that stuff but I am so happy my kids are into it. It is so good for them to be outside working with their hands and learning by doing.

This one is 7 going on 17. I forget she's just 7 sometimes. I'm definitely the hardest on Mya. She's a mini me in many ways. She has grown up a lot this year. I feel guilty because a lot of the time I'm so busy raising the other kids that are so much more dependant on me that I'm missing spending time just being with her. She is so independent that I forget she needs me more than she lets on.