Thursday, May 4, 2017

black and white april

Here is a pic of happy Addie super excited to go in the neighbor's "pool." Well it's kind of a pool. It's like a giant blow up, 3 feet deep pool you fill up with hose water... Addie got in and hopped back out and exclaimed, "I HATE this pool!!!!" Kind of predicted that one. The temp was not warm.

Here is Angus hanging out... on Addie.

And here are the two of them in their usual 6AM spot... On my lap. My eyes are currently half open sipping coffee. But always on the ball enough to snap a pic.

Where is that trash guy?

And when mom sits... the little ones say, "Oh look a cozy momchair!" 

Sometimes she comes to "sleep" in my bed with me and all her dolls in the morning. This is my pillow. I gave up sleeping and took a pic instead.

This is an "I can't stop taking annoying pictures of my kids" picture. I seriously can't stop. He's just too perfect. I really need to take more of the big girls. 

Such a boy. See? Can't stop.

Dan loves to work in the yard and plant things. I never really had the desire to do that stuff but I am so happy my kids are into it. It is so good for them to be outside working with their hands and learning by doing.

This one is 7 going on 17. I forget she's just 7 sometimes. I'm definitely the hardest on Mya. She's a mini me in many ways. She has grown up a lot this year. I feel guilty because a lot of the time I'm so busy raising the other kids that are so much more dependant on me that I'm missing spending time just being with her. She is so independent that I forget she needs me more than she lets on.

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