Wednesday, May 24, 2017

addie stuff

This girl entertains me all day long. I frequently tell her to stop talking or stop yelling or stop crying to which she replies, NOOOO! I hafta taaaaaaalk! Three is such a fun age though. She is nonstop funny. Sometimes I take notes and sometimes I just laugh.

Addie's prayer the other night: If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet. AMEN

When Winter got the stomach flu last month I let Addie sleep with me. I was exhausted dealing with puking Winter so I just went to bed when Addie did. 

Me: Night night Addie. (turned off the light) Isn't this fun sleeping with mommy?
Addie: Yeah!! Whatta we gonna do?! We gonna dance?!
Me: Ummm no we're gonna sleep.
Addie: oooh I HATE sleeping!!
Me: Okay we'll dance in the morning when we wake up. 
Addie: Ooooookaaaay

Addie: Mommy! Winter has your scissors!
Me: Winter put them back. Get the kid ones.
Winter: Thanks a LOT Addie!
Addie: You're welcome Winter!!!

Doesn't quite understand sarcasm yet. 💗

Me: Whoa! Did you guys see that motorcycle?!
Addie: YEAH!!!... But I actually didn't.

Winter: Addie I have a knock knock joke for you. Why isn't Elsa allowed to hold the balloon?
Addie: because I have a song for you, let it gooooooo!!! Let it goooooo!!!
I think Addie's heard that one before 😆
But what makes me laugh the most is that it is not a knock knock joke =)

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