Sunday, July 9, 2017

I love 3

Addie is nonstop entertaining. Her tininess adds to the cuteness. And it allows her to do pretty much whatever she wants. I really do need to punish her more and correct her when she yells at me... maybe soon.

The other day she asked me, "God and Jesus and Santa is friends right mom?" I replied, "Of course they are."

Hurry and take the picture, the sun is burning me!! It was like 74 degrees out.

This beautiful vibrant pinkish purple color came back up about two hours later. She got most of it in the toilet thanks to my ear for gagging and my cat like reflexes. It's not the first time I've heard puke warning noises coming from one of my dear little ones. But some of it did manage to leave a little drop on everything along the way from my bed to the toilet. Yep MY bed. She was watching TV in my bed when it happened. Par for the course I guess. After she was done puking she said, "I fink I'm sick mom!"

This is our Frankenstein couch. We paid a couch repair man to stitch this up. He warned us that it would be ugly but agreed to do it. Addie ran up to him while he was stitching and gave him a giant hug with her whole body, head leaning on his head and said, "Fank you for fixing our couch Mister Maaann!!"

He became very awkward and said "Umm haha I'm not really used to little girls." Not sure what he meant by that but I removed her from his side and he continued working. 

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