Friday, August 18, 2017

Summer 2017

(Disclaimer: This post isn't my norm. I wrote it at the peak of my summer frustration. I'm a lot better now that the kids are back in school and Dan is on vacation. A lot better. So, sorry for the gripy words. But they're real. I do love the pics though. Those kids are pretty cute.)

Oh Summer how you stretch me as a mom, a wife and a person. I'm not sure which was harder, this summer or last summer. I will call it a tie. I'm not sure I could actually put into words what summer is like for me or how happy I am that school is starting. 

The hardest things for me are trying to deal with a fussy two year old who will not let me out of his sight, keeping a very feisty and demanding 3 year old happy, and tending to the older girls' needs while keeping everyone from fighting. Oh the fighting. They're not bad kids. They really aren't. They're probably pretty good compared to your average group. But they have so much to learn about sharing and kindness and self control. So much. And I'm supposed to teach them. The one who's losing her $h!+ daily. See how I did that? It doesn't count if I use symbols k mom? But seriously. 

I think summer may be actually enjoyable with older kids. Mine are 2,3,6 and 8. So hear me when I say, I adore my kids. I live for them. But they are too much for me to handle for two and a half straight months. Too much. Maybe I'm not cut out for this. Maybe no one is. 

Sometimes I give myself a hard time for being such a witch to my family. But then I think to myself, could anyone take care of all of these needs, day in and day out with no lunch breaks or clocking out, and do it cheerfully and without having a nervous breakdown? Doubtful. Of course there are other people with lots of kids like good ol' Mari down the street. But I think we're all in the same boat, pretty much trying to survive until August 16 and not screw our kids up too much. 

There was lots of yelling at the kids, cursing under my breath, sugary bribery treats, drive through dinners, bending of rules, oh and let's not forget tons of crying (mostly the kids) and whining (also mostly the kids). I may have broken down sobbing a couple of times and screamed at Dan louder than I have ever screamed before. That only happened once. And it was after Dan worked 4 days in a row. And it was that time of the month. 

I'm not sure I would have made it through without the park, the pool, margaritas and Mari. Oh and nap time. Oh and TV. Lots of that. And thanks to my Heavenly Father for hearing my prayers for patience and mercy and for forgiving my horrible mommy moments. Many many horrible mommy moments. 

Of course I had big plans for Mya and Winter reading and brushing up on their math. Nope, didn't happen. Okay actually I think we did it for a week. At the beginning of summer. 

Anyway summer is over and I'm thankful once again for the saints that teach my oldest children all day. From 8:00 until 2:05! Monday through Friday! Can I get 10 Hallelujahs?! 

It's funny because people (who obviously don't know me well) have commented to me about how it looks like we're having such a fun summer or how I make having 4 kids look so fun and easy. WHAT?! Sorry guys, it's a big lie. An Instagram/Facebook lie. There are fun moments and awesome memories being made at times. And I think the kids may remember the good stuff, hopefully. But seriously, it's a rough gig being a stay-at-home mommy in the summer. A rough gig. 

Anywho, looking forward to getting our lives back on track and some kind of schedule in place. Angus has been waking up obscenely early. 4:30AM early... yeah. May be why I'm such a raging 
b!+@h. See how I did that again mom? =) 

I think the best thing about summer is the beach and the pictures of the "fun" stuff we do. So for better or for worse, here is our summer in a nutshell of pics. 

This is me, relaxing on a raft. I'm extremely irritated at this point because Winter will not leave me alone. But thanks Mya for capturing the moment.

This is a random picture of a random kid we don't know. I think Winter took this... great pic!

The pool was full full full this summer with the many children on Timberline Drive. Thanks pool. You served us well. 

Father's Day =)

Park Shenanigans

Dan spraying the kids down. 

Descanso Gardens

Ice cream. Best stuff on earth.

Baking at the skate park.

4th of July 

Unlimited screen time. 

3 year olds =)

Oceanside with fam.

Texas Annie's visit in Huntington Beach.

Our brave zoo adventure. It actually went okay. But we have pretty low standards. 

 Family picnic, San Marino FD and PD.

Mya's birthday.

Mya always wants her hair curled. It was one of her birthday requests.

And then it was back to school time. Just like that. 

Neighborhood back to school pic. 

So Dan and I celebrated by taking the younger two out for breakfast. 

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