Thursday, August 3, 2017

black and white july

These are all from my Sunday photo shoot when I took out the big camera and went Paparazzi on my family.

When I cook/make anything, this happens.

Wassup wassup

All day Angus lies on these poor dogs. This face doesn't really look like Twitch is enjoying it. Sorry old boy.

This is my sweet little Mya singing Hallelujah for her Daddy's birthday. 

This was when I only had two kids when Dan went camping with the other two. I could totally handle two kids. I would even say I would be a really good mom of two kids. 

Mya has had some bad luck with pneumonia, dizziness and just being sick lately. Poor girl. She's on the mend but still can't do too much without getting dizzy or weak.

Watching Daddy fix the vacuum. Best day ever. 

He may be slightly OCD. He enjoys washing his hands over and over in the sink...

She's wearing a homemade ladybug hat and matching purse. And that's all she needs.

The dogs don't get out much in the summer and they get extra attention from the kids. They've had a hard couple of months. 

Sporting new sandals from the thrift store. 

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