Sunday, August 6, 2017

yosemite 2017

Every year since we were married Dan has been going up to Yosemite with some or all of the family.  We realized after trying to camp with baby Mya and baby Winter that babies are just not good campers. Nor are they good travelers. So I haven't joined Dan on his annual Yosemite trip since I was pregnant with Angus. I was actually excited to go up this year because my mom agreed to watch Angus, the extremely high-maintenance two year old. But as we were prepping the food the day before we planned to leave, Mya fainted. We were completely shocked and worried since she hadn't been sick in over a week and had a mild cough we weren't too worried about. Turns out she had pneumonia. Whaaattt?! 

She was actually okay to stay behind and hang out with me. And with only one toddler to compete with, she would have a lot of mommy time. Which she totally did. And I had a peaceful few days with just the two kids. 

Before Dan left, he started coughing. So I packed extra cough drops and Advil and cough syrup in his suitcase and told him not to worry. Yes, Winter and Addie are the more spirited of the four kids, but he could totally handle them. And I think that would have been true had he not gotten pretty sick up there. He pretty much had a miserable time but managed to take these awesome pictures. 

Things don't always turn out the way you plan them. Dan spent tons of money on some new camping supplies and food for a trip he regretted when he got home. BUT that's life ya know? I love these pictures though. 

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