Wednesday, February 7, 2018


I kind of helped with a big treasure swap at church last Saturday. Anna (the tallest pictured below) is the amazing lady who put it all together. A swap is when everyone brings their gently used items they can no longer use and everyone goes home with someone else's stuff. I've been to about 10 swaps and as of yet, I haven't seen anyone fighting over the same thing. Swaps are usually the highlight of my month. This one prompted the early spring cleaning last month when I went through all my stuff and put everything I didn't want or need in boxes and bags for the swap. It's a dream of mine to own my own thrift store. Mari and I have agreed that we want to do that together one day. Here are a few swap regulars.

Angus's hair was in his eyes big time so I decided to give him a little trim in the bangs department. Dan came home and said, "What's up with Angus's hair?" Winter chimed in, "Yeah it looks pretty horrible." Then Addie added, "Yeah it's DISGUSTING!!" I told them they were the worst family ever and called to schedule haircuts with our favorite kid haircut place.

Angus before. Okay it wasn't amazing... but it got the hair out of his eyes.


No more tangles. 

My favorite haircut on Winter.  Mya didn't get her hair cut. She's still growing it out. You'll see it below. I felt super smart having Angus, the one with no patience, go first, Addie with very little patience, go second and Winter with some patience go third. But my proud feelings disappeared when Angus started yelling APOOOOP! I checked his pull up and sure enough, apoop. I was using the truck to help with the swap instead of my van with all the pull-ups and wipes and convenient seat that folds down into the perfect little spot to change a poopie diaper. Winter was just starting her haircut so I figured I'd just have to wait until she was done and then I could take Angus home and change him. He kept yelling APOOP and the whole place stunk and the receptionist gave me some disgusted looks but I pretended not to notice, paid them and left with poopie Angus. 

Story time with Addie... I like that in her version, it's Adam's fault. And the serpent is actually a lizard.

Potty training creates a bit of a stressful circus type environment around here. Even more than usual. Especially when Dan is working. It's usually relatively peaceful in the mornings when the kids are at school. But then they come home and everyone needs help. Mya needs help with her math upstairs on the computer so I'm running up and down the stairs. Winter needs me to sit with her while she reads so she doesn't skip the hard words or make up her own sentences. Angus needs me to change the show he's watching every 3 minutes or he freaks the freak out. And he needs reminders to go peepee in the potty or that he isn't allowed to sit on the couch when he's naked. I'm occasionally cleaning up accidents or rewarding him with candy. Addie needs me to cut strawberries or open an apple sauce pouch or put on a movie upstairs in my room because she isn't into Angus's garbage truck videos. Angus does most things with no pants these days so he doesn't pee or poop in his pull-up. Here he is making dinner.

Sometimes when Dan is home to watch the littles, I run to the store after I pick the big girls up. It usually starts off well and I buy them a pretzel and juice or something like that. Then we stroll happily through the aisles talking about their day. They ask me for junk food and I tell them calmly that we don't buy that stuff. Something happens and I go from happy to mad. And it usually ends with me telling them to stand somewhere far away from me while we check out because I'm done being patient and nice. I'm always smiling going in and frowning and snapping at them on my way out. They are a work in progress and so am I.

Dan has a very green thumb. I love that he teaches the girls about plants because my thumb is the opposite of green, whatever color that is. 

This stage of life is by far the hardest but it is the most fun I've ever had. 


  1. Just love this, Amie. My takeaway - my kids are a work in progress and so am I. :)

    And guess what? On the boys with no pants things . . . my boys (now teenagers) like to walk from bathroom to bedroom with NO PANTS ON these days . . . maybe to air out after a shower?! Since I'm outnumbered in the boy/girl ratio I have just decided to avert my eyes. :)

    1. Thanks! haha well I guess I'll be thankful that the girls outnumber the boys around here =)

  2. I think it means you have a red thumb?
