Wednesday, February 21, 2018

where's my shoes

I had to take my car in for an oil change. My mechanic shop happens to be across the street from an awesome breakfast place so I figured it would make sense to just go out to breakfast with my littles rather than wait at the shop. I let them both have apple juice which may have been a bad idea in hindsight. The combination of the sugar in the apple juice and the syrup on the pancakes amped them up and they were both yelling and giggling the whole time. Addie dropped her apple juice on the floor but that wasn't super horrible. The waitress acted like it happened all the time which I appreciated. 

We are in the underwear phase of potty training. I think he's pretty much got it. I'm very pleased with his progress. 

Also, Angus is now officially taller than Addie. He will be three in May and Addie is well over four. They are both about the size of a big 3-year-old. 

But it just adds to Addie's cuteness and still allows her to get away with just about anything.

This morning Mya forgot her shoes at home. We got all the way to school and just as we were pulling up, Mya said, "Where are my shoes??!!" I'm still puzzled as to how this happened. Don't ask her about it. She gets very embarrassed. 

Mya is a third grader and I'm totally feeling it. I remember third grade. It was tough. Both scholastically and socially. She comes home with many mean girl stories and frustrating friend situations. I like to tell her stories about my third grade experiences. She loves hearing about them. Here she is working on her current project on the Great Sequoia National Monument. She continues to keep her sweetness and confidence. Being the first born, she is always the first to experience everything. I love the front seat I have to this crazy season of life.

I spent President's Day weekend in Bakersfield at my sister's of course. She hosted a ridiculously amazing ladies' weekend. I can't even describe how enjoyable it was. Here's just a few pics. 

She left baskets of treats on the bed of each lady. 

We were welcomed with an over-the-top tea/champagne complete with amazing sandwiches, scones, cookies, cake and more. 

The Almond trees a block away were blooming and holy cow gorgeous.

We went out for a champagne brunch Sunday at a local fancy hotel and it was more amazing than I expected. I had three plates of food. Three. And I'm not quite sure how much champagne because the waitress just kept filling up the glass. 

We booked a paint night pro and painted this amazing painting. The Blue Moon Goddess... My kids were sooo impressed. But they didn't want the painting in their room for some reason... hmmm. 

The weekend flew by and left me not exactly well rested because I didn't sleep as much as I should have but I had loads of fun and got to hang out with grown ups for a change. =)

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