Wednesday, May 16, 2018

disasters and stuff

Angus still struggles with not spilling his bowl of cereal. Daily. It's fine. He just moves over to the dry chair and keeps eating.

This is my room. MY room. (Dan sleeps here too) But how could I get mad coming into the costume explosion with Addie yelling, "MOMMY!! Look at MEE! I'm rainbow dash! Right Winter?"

This is Angus uninstalling the baby locks himself. With a drill. Why not?

I remember doing this when I was a kid. They had fun looking in the mirror behind them and pretending their two little butts were one giant butt.

We fell in love with Max's in Azusa when Dan and I were dating around 2007. It's pretty cool that Max and some of the waitresses have watched us get engaged, married and then quickly grow into a family of six. And we've watched them grow from a tiny little hole in the wall into a giant successful restaurant with two locations. We love it because they have two enormous booths that fit all of us in there. So we eat around 4:30 to make sure one of them is available. Okay we actually love it because they have the best margaritas that make dinner with the kids a little more enjoyable. 😁

The girls always get so excited about open house and showing us every single thing they've done in the classroom. Dan and I took turns ooohing and aaahhing at their artwork while the other one made sure Addie and Angus didn't destroy anything or eat all the cookies. 

All the kids in Mya's class chose their future career. Mya has about 8 careers in mind. She chose pianist for her picture... I guess we should get her back in piano lessons if she's going to play professionally. 

Mya's teacher is into colors and technology. She's energetic and fun and Mya loves her. 

I don't know why Addie and Winter chose this sign for their picture. They both wake up before the sun every single morning. 

Shout out to Winter's teacher, the amazing Darla Elder who is one of my favorite people on the planet! We were SO lucky to have you teach Winter this year! Do people still say shout out?

Winter always impresses me with her artwork. I love her story below because it starts out with "My Mom is the Queen." 😊 

And speaking of the King. I had to take a picture of him in his happy place. Cleaning the garage. Well maybe he doesn't enjoy cleaning it as much as he enjoys seeing it so clean. He came in and said, "Okay the garage is clean!" What he really meant was: Okay I just spent an hour cleaning the garage. Don't mess it up while I'm at work. I rolled my eyes and told him that it's my mission in life to mess up his clean garage. 
Our marriage in a nutshell. 💓

Dan's occupation and his over-the-top planner ways have come together to create a bit of an obsession with being prepared for natural disasters. This is Dan's "THE BIG ONE" corner of the garage where he has planned food, water and supplies for the big earthquake that is "definitely happening soon." Not just any food, the top rated best tasting, longest lasting food they make out there in the crazy disaster preparedness world. It expires in 20 years. He also bought special water that lasts a couple decades as well because it's in a can instead of plastic. So if you're close by and you are hungry or thirsty when the big one happens, come on over! 

We went camping on Catalina Island over Mother's Day weekend with some family and friends. I was anxious and worried about it but it went really well for the most part. I wish I took a picture of Dan with his giant overloaded dolly with all of the camping equipment. A snarky bystander commented, "Isn't there a limit to how much you can take on the ferry?" There is and we definitely brought the max allowed. I rolled two giant suitcases stacked with sleeping bags and Mya and Winter also brought a big bag each. Angus walked beside me and Addie toted a little rolling suitcase.

We almost lost Addie when she walked beside the ramp instead of up the ramp to the boat. She almost fell into the gap between the dock and the giant boat. She had one foot off the dock when one of the boat staff caught her just in time and redirected her to the boat. It gave the poor guy a minor heart attack and Dan and I decided maybe I would just watch the kids while he took care of the luggage. 

The ride to the island was THE bumpiest giant swelliest ride I've ever experienced. I was surprised the boat didn't capsize. I think we all were. BUT we aren't boat people so maybe we're just wusses. Dan, Winter and Addie spent a lot of time by the open door to the deck where the fresh air came in. They get pretty bad motion sickness and there was a lot of motion happening. But we all made it to the island without puking, miraculously. 

I arrived in a frazzled state from Addie's near death and the fear of us all drowning at sea. But the beach beauty slowly calmed me down.

The kids had an awesome time with very minimal fighting and tons of running around. 

I was worried about the littles waking up in the middle of the night but they were out cold all night both nights. 

Dan and I took turns kayaking and paddle boarding with the big girls. Addie just wanted to play beach barbies and Angus decided he "no like that boat." He didn't like it when I went out on the paddle board or kayak either. He would say. "You no like that boat mommy. You hang out." 

It was a TON of work but so worth it. And the ferry back home was so smooth and all the kids slept. Probably because we gave them all dramamine. 

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