Wednesday, May 9, 2018

random may stuff

As I mentioned in the previous post, Dan and I went away for a few days. We had a great time in Newport and it went too fast as always. Here are some pics from our weekend together. (Actually it was a Monday through Wednesday because we hate crowds)

For the record I don't eat lobster. They are bottom feeders. But the bib was fun. And I didn't want to be rude.

And here's a random video of Angus. I like it because he thinks he's jumping super high and he's barely getting off the ground.

Here's a confession that may comfort you if you get slightly road ragey but normally you're a nice person like me =) It's okay.

I honked at a car in front of me the other day that would not turn right. Yes the light was red but there were no cars coming. I looked around for pedestrians, emergency vehicles, anything that would keep this car from turning right. Maybe he didn't know that he could turn right even when the light is red. So I honked. Nothing happened. Then the light turned green and he turned right. What an idiot I thought. Then I saw the sign that read, No turn on red. Ugh, I'm a jerk.


Question: Why did This Is Us end in March? That's two months ahead of schedule. Not okay.


Amusing things I've heard around the house lately:

Mya: Mom am I healthy?
Me: Ummm yeah why?
Mya: Cuz I want to live till I’m 100.
Addie: I’m so excited to die!!! 
Mya: What?
Addie: Yeah cuz then I’ll go to heaven and heaven is SO FUN!!!


Addie: (looks outside) Mom, I just want to pee on the grass. 


Putting Angus to bed. 
Angus: Mommy I wuv ma peepee.
Me: I know buddy.


Dan to Mya: All you ever want to do is play video games. Can't we just snuggle and talk?


Mya moved into Angus's room and she couldn't be happier. No more annoying younger sisters that keep her up at night with their silly shenanigans and nightlights. I found this sign on her door. Glad Angus is allowed in his room...

One of Angus's favorite hobbies is making toy smoothies. (It's not plugged in)

There are probably 100 dolls in our house. Literally. They are everywhere.

This is Mya and Winter pulling Addie's "dogsled." They told her not to pedal. She wants to pedal. She's wailing as they pull her down the street. 

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