Wednesday, May 23, 2018

parks beaches and summer anxiety

Addie said to me yesterday, "You're the best mom ever. And do you know what the great news is? You had four babies! Angus, me, Winter and Mya!!" 

How sweet is that. She also yells at me regularly. She may be bipolar. We will have to wait and see.

Addie's new thing lately is pretending that her character's name is Jesus when she's playing barbies or baby dolls. And I'm not really sure what to do with that... 

Dan told Addie to go get dressed so she could come with him to the nursery to get some plants. She chose the very fanciest Christmas dress in her closet of course. And pink cowboy boots. (not shown) Mya and Winter used to do the same thing. Actually Winter still does. I'm really going to miss having a four year old girl when Addie turns 5 in November. Four year old girls are my very favorite. I'm thoroughly enjoying her spicy attitude and nonstop hilarity. 

Addie and my nephew Ethan are 4 months apart. They love each other so much and have the best time together. My mom took this awesome shot. Framing it for sure.

The poor dog didn't even try to get to her bed. 

I went to Newport with my mom Friday. Just the two of us. Somehow we were able to get away from all the people who need us, for a whole day. Both of us consider the beach our happy place. We went out for lunch then walked around Balboa Island and went in the little shops and pretended we were thinking about purchasing the overpriced clothing and nicnacs. We got a scoop of ice cream. (mom got sorbet) We went for a bike ride on the bike path. I talked her into renting one of those awesome grown up tricycles. Then we went kayaking in the peaceful harbor. It was such a nice day. Before we knew it, it was time to go home. But we decided we would definitely make it something we do more often. Isn't she just too adorable? 💗

I just realized that I have her nose. 😊

The anual San Marino Firefighter pancake breakfast was Saturday. The kids look forward to this all year. Addie calls it the pancake party. And it totally is. They have a bouncy house, a bouncy slide, pony rides, a petting zoo and of course pancakes with tons of syrup. 

So summer is just around the corner. I don't really get anxiety about anything really. But, the thought of summer gives me anxiety. I've been planning my summer for the last two months. I'm actually not joking. Things for the kids to do. Ways to get rid of them during the week. (Camps, grandma's, the gym etc.) Please let me know if you would like to borrow one for the day. Winter is super helpful with little ones and Mya loves to clean! Addie is nonstop entertainment and Angus... well he's cute.

I came up with a list of things to do that they can choose from when they are bored. Mya is really the only one that follows me around when she'd bored so it's mostly for her. I'll be posting it next week probably. The kids are out of school May 31st. Pray for me. Seriously.

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