Tuesday, June 5, 2018

life is better with a soundtrack

Music has has helped me keep my sanity since the beginning of motherhood. It started in the delivery room when I was ready to have baby Mya. I made a labor playlist to keep the mood calm and peaceful. I am a lover of all music. It is something that has always brought me joy. I've used music to improve so many boring or annoying situations or tasks. Like when Mya was a baby and it would take me 20 minutes of vigorous rocking to get her to sleep every single time, I started turning on music and instead of walk-bouncing around the quiet house in the same loop over and over again I would just dance around the kitchen with her in my arms until she fell asleep.

And these days, when it's time for the kids to pick up their toys, I turn on the Kids Bop station and it really changes their attitude and makes it more enjoyable for them. And in the morning after I have my coffee and wake up a little bit, I turn on some mellow music and empty the dishwasher. I hate emptying the dishwasher. It is my least favorite chore. But I actually kind of enjoy doing it with music on. It's way more fun doing the dishes while belting out hymns in the morning.

I encourage you to make an upbeat playlist for times that you need motivation and a mellow playlist for those times when you need a little more peace. Amazon has playlists you can use too. They're actually pretty good. They even have a cleaning playlist.

That's all I got this week. 😊

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