Wednesday, June 13, 2018

walmart, beaches and summer

So I have to admit, I've never been a fan of Walmart. Is anyone? The only good things I've ever seen in Walmart are the low prices amaright? It makes me feel icky to enter a Walmart even though I'm slightly entertained by the people I see there. BUT. BUT! They offer something no one else is offering to me these days. FREE GROCERY PICK UP!! Life changing. Especially when you have four little people you HATE taking to the grocery store with you. Love the kids. Hate taking them to the store. You just have to order $30 or more in groceries and you can drive up to the grocery pick up spot and the Walmart person will be out there with your groceries in one minute or less. Seriously. Life. Changed. Angus did throw a tiny fit because he thought we were going in the fun food store and he had to stay in the car while we drove there and back. But his little fit was totally worth it. He would have thrown 10 more fits in the store if I actually took him in.

Mya and I took a little 2 day trip to the beach and back. She never really gets me all to herself so it was pretty special for us both.

She recently discovered Shirley Temples.


Mya after two shirley temples and endless ice cream... buzzing with silly energy.

Summer is in full swing around here. 

Addie gets mad at me about 20 times a day. At night when I tell her to brush her teeth and get her PJ's on she tells me how mean I am and often punishes me by not giving me a hug or kiss good night. But then about 15 to 20 minutes later she comes and finds me and tells me I'm the best mom ever, hugs me, and heads back to bed.

It's day 3 of Vacation Bible Adventure. Three out of four of my kids are attending this year so that's nice. I swore I would never be a leader for the group of 4 year olds again but here I am doing it for the second time. Mostly because Addie and my nephew Ethan are in my group. And I kind of forgot how exhausting it is. It's like trying to get 56 kittens to go from point A to point B. But it is oh so entertaining. There are shy sweet ones, emotional ones who start crying every 20 minutes or so, oblivious wandering ones, super feisty ones, energetic playful ones and there are always a few runners. Thank goodness for teenage boys that we can send after them. Addie is the tiniest one of course. The kids are loving it as always. 

And Happy almost Father's Day to this guy!

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