Wednesday, September 26, 2018

full throttle

It's always kind of a crazy transition from vacation to full on back into fall activities like school, gymnastics, soccer, bible studies, moms groups, dental visits, haircuts, man I could keep going. I feel like I'm moving in slow motion while everyone around me is running. 

Addie usually does an okay job getting ready for school... but not this one morning. 

Did I mention that I sent the big girls back a couple days early from the beach with my mom? They went back Sunday night so they wouldn't miss school Monday and Tuesday. We got back with the littles Tuesday. I had to bribe Mya and Winter with yogurtland so they didn't totally melt down. And I felt kind of bad sending them back early. But not too horrible. It was pretty quiet those last couple of days. I told them they could get whatever they wanted as long as they didn't puke afterward. Mya didn't finish hers because of the puke warning. Winter went overboard and finished all of it and licked it clean.

Winter has decided that I'm creepy Brittany's grandma. I get pretty irritated when she says it so of course now she calls me Grandma all the time. A couple of years ago she used to call me old lady but then I started punishing her so it stopped. We'll see how long I can tolerate this one.

Angus has been extra challenging these days. I'm hoping it's because of the transition into being an only child for the first half of the day while his sisters are in school. I've been taking him to the gym so he can play with other children but it doesn't seem to be helping. He's not horrible, just a little extra defiant. He has started doing this thing when he doesn't want to do what I'm asking him to do. I'll tell him to get his shoes or wash his hands. And he'll reply NNNNNNNNNa! He says it one million times a day. NNNNNNa! He also does this thing when I won't let him eat gold fish for breakfast or ride his bike at 6AM where he army crawls over to me while yelling in a low voice PLEEEEEEAASE! It's all new. I'm hoping it's a phase. He's 3 after all. So I'm not naive in thinking he's going to be easy any time soon. I would just prefer just a little less crazy than I'm getting from him at the moment. 

I tried to get a good pic of the army crawl but I'm working with the iPhone5... so this is what I have:

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