Monday, September 3, 2018


I skipped a Wednesday of blogging. Not sure anyone except Wendy noticed. On Friday she texted me, "Where the hell's your blog?!!" Such a sweetheart that one. I only had one pic and not much to say so I thought I'd skip a week. And that's going to happen from time to time, Wendy. And now I have words to share. So here they are.

I think so much of my mood depends on how balanced things are. Like when I'm home too much or out too much. Or when I've been with the kids too much or by myself too much, (not that that ever happens). Too much healthy food or too much junk food. I like to alternate between yoga classes and boot camp classes at the gym. I think we need to balance things out in order to maintain a healthy mind and body. Just an observation for the week.

I've found that I feel way more sane now that the kids are back in school. See, balance. They are at school half the day and home half the day. With peers half the day and parents and siblings the other half. Balance.

And speaking of balance, Dan climbed up to the 2nd story to wash the windows and spider webs etc. Angus said, "Daddy is yoooo high!" Addie matter-of-factly replied, "Yeah he'll probably fall." It makes me nervous every time Dan does stuff like that, even though he literally does that for a living. Ya know, climbs ladders and sprays stuff with a hose.

Another conversation I overheard:
Angus - You mad?
Addie - Yeah cuzza you!
Angus - Oh... Wanna play trucks?
Addie - Ugh of course! 
I'm glad they were able to work that one out =)

Dan took this one. They always smile for him. They never smile at me when I say smile. Maybe they fear him more... 

Here's another one he took yesterday. She said she was a cupcake queen. I guess I can see that... I laughed so hard when she fell down the stairs in slow motion saying ooooooh nooooo.... heeeeelllpp!!  Priceless. Don't worry she didn't get hurt at all. She was wearing 5 floaties.

My sister and her family have been going through their entire house donating stuff they don't want. They donate it all to me because I like free stuff, I like to sell stuff and Wendy and I are the same size. In clothes AND shoes. I know, it's awesome. This wedding dress was in the bags. I guess they got it from a thrift store for a costume or something. Winter discovered it and was immediately in love. 

Winter: What's in that bag?
Me: No
Winter: Is it a dress??
Me: I don't know, don't take it out.
Winter: It's a dress! Take it out!
Me: No
Winter: Please mom! (pulling it out)
Me: Ugh fine.
Winter: Oh my goodness I LOVE IT!! IT'S A WEDDING DRESS! CAN I WEAR IT?! WHO'S IS IT? IS IT YOURS?? I HAVE TO PUT IT ON! (trying to get into the dress)
Me: It's not mine. No, it's way too big. You can't wear it. 
Winter: Help me mom!
Me: Ugh okay.
Winter: It's soooo beautiful. Can you save it for my wedding??! Take a picture!

I held the back tight and took a picture. This was one of the happiest moments of her life I think.

The whole family one by one got the stomach flu last week. Well except me of course. And Winter never got it for some reason. She's usually the first to get sick. I love this pic. Dan is totally loving snuggling with sleeping Angus regardless of his expression.

I read a book to Angus the other day and realized it may have been the very first time. It's possible I've read to him before because he kept asking about a truck book. Actually Winter likes to read to the kids so it was probably her.

I got my hair did on Tuesday and am pretty happy with the way it turned out. I always am. Love my hair girl. I got the usual. Highlights and a short cute A-line bob. I came home and Angus ran up to me then backed up and asked, "Mommy what you do?" Addie asked, "What happened to your hair?!" Dan asked, "What color is that?" I checked the mirror and still thought it looked cute. Then I picked the big girls up from school and Winter also asked, "What happened to your hair?!" I replied, I got it done, like it? Mya commented, "Ummm I like it when you have it back in a cute little bun." I guess no one likes change around here. 

 Winter does things a lot of the time that frustrate us. But we can't get too upset because she's not trying to disobey or do anything bad... most of the time. She just has ideas that aren't the best. Like Thursday right before bed, she decided to give the dogs a shower with the hose in the backyard. We rarely bathe the dogs so she was just trying to make them smell better. Unfortunately, she didn't use soap so they just smelled like wet dirty dogs. But it was getting dark and they needed to come in the house but they were soaking wet and smelly. So they had to sleep by the back door blocked off from the rest of the house. Not a great idea but a nice thought.

Saturday morning Dan let me sleep in until like 9:00. I know, I'm ridiculous. And he's wonderful for doing this on a regular basis. I LOVE sleeping. Love it. One of my top 5 things to do for sure. Anyway, so, I woke up rested, walked downstairs to the crazy that is my life and just smiled. I thought of that country song, Just Another Day In Paradise by Phil Vassar. Listen to it if you like country. But don't watch the video. It's cheesy. Now you're going to watch it. Okay do whatever you want. It's about how life can look nuts and messy and things rarely go perfectly, but it's exactly what he's ever wanted. I totally agree. I wouldn't change a thing.

The house was all cleaned up when we went to bed. All the toys were put away and all the dishes were done. And yet, when I came downstairs, there was already a pile of dishes in the sink and the floor was covered in toys.

There were so many sounds happening at the same time. My just woken up self, moving in slow motion to the coffee maker, really noticed all of them right away. Addie and Angus were having a conversation about shopkins and tools. But they were literally yelling their words. Because when you're kid #3 and kid #4, you yell your words.

I turned on some music to kind of drown out the noise. Didn't really work but it motivated me to empty the dishwasher. Dan was playing with a toy train because he didn't have trains as a kid he says.

The TV was on in the background playing Angus's YouTube videos about trucks and tools. And twitch was making his old man noises. He gets these hairballs or something stuck in his throat and makes the worst noises every 30 seconds until it goes away. It sounds like an 80 year old smoker gagging. Lovely. But with all the noise and mess I still looked around and had a moment of total happiness and appreciation for our life that morning. Probably because I slept in 'till 9:00. I hope you can take a moment today and appreciate the little imperfect things that make your life awesome.

Happy Labor Day friends.

P.S. It's time for our annual Newport trip so I won't be posting for a couple of weeks. But there will be lots of beach pictures on the next blog. I'm so excited not to take a stroller and a pack 'n' play this year. We're going to have more room in the van. I guess I'm excited to hang out at the beach for a couple weeks too.

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