Wednesday, October 3, 2018

touch disease

My iPhone 5s finally died. The technician said the cause of death was the terminal "touch disease." He didn't smile when he said that. I laughed at him for giving me the name of an actual disease for an iphone. I guess it's pretty serious because it couldn't be fixed. But I got a new phone! An iphone 6s. My 5s lasted four and a half years before it got the touch disease so we'll see if we can make this one last forever too. I give all the credit to the lifeproof case. It still looks new. And it has been dropped hundreds, maybe thousands of times with that case on it. I highly recommend it.

Dan and I had the finance talk recently. We have it about once or twice a year when it becomes clear that we are not living within our means. I've been bugging Dan for years to let me meal plan. He's not into it. He doesn't want to commit to a dinner until the day of that dinner and see how he feels. I get it. But it's more expensive to live that way and lots of food tends to go to waste, so he finally agreed to let me plan our meals a week in advance and only grocery shop for those meals. I'm even making the big girls plan their breakfast and lunch for the week so I don't go out and buy a bunch of food they may or may not eat. I'm convinced that we will save hundreds each month doing this. I'll report back with the result in a couple of months.

Buying a new phone didn't exactly save us money this month BUT I did buy one of the cheapest, oldest options so bonus points there. And I tried to save us money by canceling the girls' gymnastics class. They have been ready to move up into a more advanced class for months now but the coach said there were no available spots in the class. So I told her we were going to take a break until something opened up, thinking we would have a few months off of gymnastics payments. But to my surprise, she bumped them up to the next level right then, and I walked out of there paying an extra $30 a month, wups. So far the saving money idea was pretty poor timing with the phone disease and the extra money for gymnastics but I have high hopes for the meal planning.

Sorry this is so boring so far. My life is pretty boring when I don't talk about the kids.

So these two started soccer Thursday! Winter pretty much has always hated soccer and only joined last year because she didn't want to miss out on the snacks at the end of the game. Mya told me Saturday that my snacks were lame and embarrassing last year and I need to step up my snack game this year. I'll take her suggestions into consideration. But gummy snacks are just candy disguised as a snack in my opinion. Angus would totally be playing if he was old enough. He has to wait one more year.

Winter went to a birthday party that was pretty much her dream. The mom hired cosmetology students to paint nails and do hair for all girls who came to the party, Then they had a fashion show for the parents. She was in heaven.

We got haircuts yesterday before gymnastics. This is Winter's gymnastics outfit. Colorful leopard print bathing suit with shorts that "match."

It was good timing having the haircuts before gymnastics. They french braided Winter's hair, something I could never do. 

They were giving out breast cancer awareness pins. Of course Mya took one because it was pink.

Mya was ecstatic to go to gym with fancy braided hair.

And Addie.

Thrift store score of the month. Green dinosaur shoes for Addie. She loves green and she loves dinosaurs. They could be alligators or crocodiles but I told her they were definitely dinosaurs.

She totally loves them. She just doesn't like pictures.

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