Wednesday, August 22, 2018

feel good stuff

Winter and Mya remind me a lot of my sister Wendy and me. Winter is definitely the Wendy in the relationship. This is so something she would have made me do. Here, put this bucket on your head and see if you run into anything. 

Angus loves picking Addie up from school. He demands that she hold his hand all the way to the car. 

Mya was baptized Sunday at the church pool. She's been begging us for about a year now to be baptized. What an awesome moment for her proud mom and dad. She wanted Dan to be the one to do it. He did an awesome job. He was made for this dad thing. It's an amazing thing to watch. And Mya is such a shining light for Jesus. She amazes me and teaches me daily what it looks like to be a Christian.


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