Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Bye 2018, hey 2019

Happiest New Year to all! I love New Year's Day. It's so new and fresh, full of possibilities and hopes of positive change.

I started the One Year Bible this morning. It is written in a way that allows you to read one passage per day for one whole year. A little bit from the old testament, a little bit from the new, and a little bit from Psalms and Proverbs. It takes about 10-15 minutes depending on how distracted you are. It takes me about 20. I read all of today's passage so I'm off to a great start. I also started a prayer journal. These are pretty grand plans for me. We will see how it all goes. I read the one year bible the year right after Winter was born, 2011. So I started when she was 11 days old. That was not a smart idea because I was sleep deprived and in even more of a fog than I usually am. I'm sure some of it sunk in but I don't really remember a whole lot.

Have you heard of the enneagram? It's the new awesome amazing personality type thingy. Actually it's pretty old but it's gaining popularity right now. I'm super obsessed with it. Basically, it groups people into 9 different categories, numbers 1-9. I made Wendy and mom take the assessment even though I already knew mom is a 9 like me. We are easygoing peacemakers. We do not like conflict and tend to be indecisive. Wendy is an 8, the most intense of the numbers with the most energy. Shocking. She loves a good argument. Nines have the least amount of energy. That's why we need people like Wendy in our lives to help us get things done. It's so fun reading about this stuff. I love personality tests. If you want to take the test to see which number you are, I like this one: https://www.yourenneagramcoach.com/. Click the yellow button in the top right corner. Let me know what number you are. I've heard you are not supposed to ask people what number they are because it's personal. I don't really agree. So you should tell me your number because it would bring me so much joy. I may already know it if I know you well.

Anyway, on to pictures. Mom, Wendy and I spent a couple of days together up at Wendy's since she is moving across the country in a couple of weeks. Mom's still trying to sell the house so she's not going anywhere at the moment. Either way, this year is going to look a lot different for our family. I'm trying not to think about it too much.

I love living in SoCal. It is the dead of Winter here. The coldest it gets all year. And we're wearing sweatshirts. Mya noticed that all the other kids at the park were toddlers. All of my kids were bigger than everyone else. It made me happy to see moms chasing their toddlers around, making sure they didn't fall off the equipment and I just sat there and listened to a podcast while the kids occasionally asked me to push them on the swings. Things are changing for me. It's awesome.

*A good winter tip. Keep your gloves in your coat pockets. That way you don't have to look for them when you need them. And most likely if you need your coat, you'll want your gloves too. 

The neighbor gave us some oranges. 

And these girls dressed up as men. 

I sent the middle two to my moms for a couple of days since they don't have school for another week. So these two have had dad all to themselves. 

Happy Tuesday. I thought it was Wednesday but I just asked Dan and he said it was Tuesday. So I'm early. Look at me. I'm already off to an awesome start this year. 

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