Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wendy's leaving the farm

Dan and I have been in a cooking mood lately. Probably because it's so cold outside we don't really want to leave the house. I made dinner the other day for a friend who came over to keep me company while Dan was a work. I made like an actual meal for the first time in a while. I defrosted some chicken, chopped some veggies to roast, and made a salad and rice. 

Winter saw me cutting the fat off of the chicken and asked, "What are you doing?" I told her I was trimming the fat. "Are you cooking chicken?" She asked suspiciously. I nodded. "Like, all by yourself?!" I nodded. She responded, "Ummm okay." It's pretty rare I admit but I am capable of cooking. I was trained by the professionals on the food network, Bobby Flay, Paula Deen and Rachel Ray. I just let Dan do it because he enjoys it. She loved the chicken for the record.

But I had to share these amazing roasted veggies I made. They turned out great and it was pretty easy and foolproof. It's a lot of prep but you can do that any time that day. I chopped up two carrots (the big kind you have to peel), two medium red potatoes, one turnip and one sweet potato all about the size of a thumb tip. I added a pound of sliced mushrooms and a sliced white onion. After mixing them with avocado oil and topping them with garlic salt and pepper, I roasted them for about 20 minutes at 500 degrees. There was plenty left over because most of my kids were afraid to try them so I ate them the next day for breakfast. So good. The trick is to pick a few things with the same texture so they take about the same amount of time to cook and cut them all about the same size. I'll definitely be making that again. And all of those veggies are pretty inexpensive too. 

Dan made gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches on sourdough with tomato and basil in them, paired with a delicious tomato soup I picked up in the deli section of Costco. Costco has a bunch of fresh amazing soups right now. This is by far one of my favorite meals, especially on a rainy night. Perfect.

We went to visit Dan's beloved Aunt Judy and Godmother in San Diego last weekend (sorry no pic) and stayed with some of our favorite people who also live down there, Jim and Cathy. They're like family and always make us feel super welcome. 

They have two dogs. (One is theirs part time when their son is working or away for the weekend)

This is Missy waiting for Mya to spill.

Their son's dog Paisley followed me around the whole time and growled when any of my kids would come near him. I assume he was a mother of 4 in his previous life. 😊 
Dan gets super jealous when I give other dogs any kind of attention since all I do is yell at our dogs. I would say my top 3 phrases at home are: Why are you crying, You're making me CRAZY, and MOVE DOG. But in my defence, our dogs smell really bad. Otter eats her own poop and Twitch has a scab by his eye that bleeds all the time. Gross. 

And because Wendy is the amazing person that she is, she made sure to take Winter to Disneyland one last time yesterday before moving to Orlando. Wendy's awesome stepdaughter Madison and our fab cousin Lori went with. They braved the rain and waited in super short lines and had an awesome time. Winter fell asleep on the way home from school today, and she cried and said I was breaking her heart into tiny little pieces when I told her to do her homework a few minutes ago. So I'd say she's pretty exhausted. But it was super worth it.

Wendy flies out Saturday. I will miss you way too much sister. 😥

The good news is, I got my hair did today! Addie said it looks strange and Mya asked me why I like short hair. She's growing hers out. Angus smiled at me and told me he loved me and Winter didn't acknowledge the cut. But I couldn't be happier. Dan's going to love it because he loves short hair on me for some reason. 

Mya is and always has been a question asker. I've never been very inquisitive. I kind of just accept things for what they are. The older she gets, the harder it is to answer her questions.

"Where do penguins poop?" 
I told her probably in a certain spot in the snow/ice. When we had fish, they always pooped in the corner of the tank and Wendy's horses and goats always pooped in the corner of the pasture. So I assume Penguins just pick a corner somewhere and that's that. 

"What’s Jesus’s last name?" 
At first I told her he doesn't have one. But then after thinking about it, back in the day, his last name equivalent would have been "of Nazareth." But we don't call him that now.

"Why do people get sick more in the winter time?" 
We had to google this one. I actually learned something.

"Why are there so many different kinds of churches if there’s only one bible?" 
A long conversation about denominations ensued. 

Angus also asks questions all day. But they are a little more ridiculous. 
For instance, yesterday he asked, "Mommy, it fweezing outyide, you wum it up?" 

Happy Wednesday day y'all! Why don't we say y'all in California? I think we should.

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