Thursday, January 10, 2019

killin' time

These two are not easy to raise. They have strong personalities that often collide, causing many screaming matches ending in tears. Every day. BUT when they get along, they are SO flipping adorable. 

Dan was taking down the lights and Winter was "helping" him and asked if she could climb the ladder. So they knocked on my 2nd story bedroom window (I was folding laundry because I'm always folding laundry) and this is what I turned around to. I was not happy. But I was glad that Winter decided to wear her helmet just in case things went awry. He assured me that it was not the first time he'd climbed a ladder with another person blah blah blah. I skeptically asked him if he'd ever actually rescued anyone out their bedroom window because their house was on fire. Turns out he has. Good job honey.

Winter and Mya were so committed to their Guess Who game that they continued to play while Mya was doing her business in the bathroom.

Me: We should do something as a family today.
Dan: We did that yesterday.
Me: We cleaned yesterday.
Dan: And we did it as a family. It was great!

Dan loves cleaning all day. But since we already did that, we decided to get outside and take a long walk to a park. We borrowed our friend's wagon for the littles. We also brought Otter, our 10 year old black lab. Angus and Addie were great. They talked about their favorite ice cream, color, paw patrol character, trucks etc. Occasionally they would yell to the other one, "Are you even listening to me?!" and the other would assure them that they were listening and they'd continue talking about their favorite things in life. 
Addie: My favorite vegetable is carrots! What's yours Angus?
Angus: My favowit wechabow is... ummm...mommy what's a wechabow?

Mya brought creepy Brittany.

It was quite eventful. We encountered a crazy young gentlemen who covered his mouth and asked us where the nearest donut shop was. We pointed in the right direction and he walked past us then turned around to shout a few profanities at our family just cuz. You see, I told you the Metro was bringing the crazies to Azusa. We also encountered a stray dog that looked like a rottweiler mix. Dan had to scare it off several times before it gave up on us. I can't exactly blame the Metro for that one.

My kids love bathing. It's one of their favorite things to do. Addie and Angus ran up to me and asked if they could take a bath.
Addie: Mommy mommy can we take a bath pleeeeeeease??! 
Angus: Yeah cuz ouz feets is yo duddy. Yee? (shows me his foot)
Addie: Yeah, and they don't smell good AT ALL.

Wendy came down to visit one last time before heading across the country next week.

We went to Descanso Gardens to get the kids out of the house for a bit before it started to rain.

Then we left them with mom and headed out to dinner with these fabulous ladies. I always open my eyes really big when I take pictures at night because I assume I look tired. I haven't figured out how to open them a normal amount so I don't look so excited.

And the Higerds came to visit for a little while after some appointments in town. 🧡

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