Wednesday, April 10, 2019

spring fever

I'm thankful for spring in SoCal. It is beyond perfect. We've been eating dinner on our back patio and in our front yard. Food always tastes better outside in my opinion.

I may have dropped the pizza upside down while trying to take it out of the oven. "What happened to the cheese?" they asked. "Don't worry about it." I replied. "I'll eat it if you don't. I'm hungry." 
So they ate it. I have to say I'm getting great at handling imperfect moments and days. Just this morning I spilled my coffee in that horrible corner in the family room that requires moving furniture and squatting in challenging positions to clean it up. BUT I didn't get mad. Well I didn't get super mad.

Spring pics came home. I didn't order them of course but I did snap a pic of all 3 and send them back.

Addie smiles great for strangers, Winter is always able to flash a nice little smile anytime, anywhere. And Mya has yet to perfect the fake smile. They all wore their fancy dresses for the occasion.

If you're thinking of buying a big house because you want a big family, it's not necessary. Make your big family but know this; they will all hang out in the family room where you hang out. They will always be just a few feet away from you. This is where Dan and I spend most of our time when we're home. Either in the family room/play room or in the kitchen where I took this pic from. The kids are rarely more than a few feet away. I've thought about dedicating a whole room upstairs to a playroom and putting all of their beds and dressers in the other room, but I have a feeling all the kids along with their toys would slowly trickle down the stairs into the toy-less family room.

Addie right before bedtime: "Mom, can you please buy me a new blanket and pillow. I don't like those ones anymore."

Addie's latest amusing blessing was few days ago. She thanked Jesus for the food then she farted mid prayer. She paused, not knowing what to do, assuming since she's not supposed to fart at the dinner table, she probably isn't supposed to fart at the dinner table while she's saying the blessing. So she said, "ummm excuse me" to Jesus and everyone burst into laughter as she finished the blessing. 

I love that Mya is almost more excited than me to go thrift store shopping. She already very much grasps the difference in price between something new at Target and something at a second hand store. If she has $20 to spend, she's for sure going to Community Thrift in Glendora.

You're welcome Mya's future husband. 

I borrowed a book from a friend. This is me trying to read it... 

I snuck out to the back patio because it is just GORGEOUS out these days. He found me after one minute.

Speaking of cheese. I LOVE this cheese. It's my new favorite. Dan loves it too. We ate a lot already... obviously.

And if you're looking for a little surprise for a friend or neighbor or yourself, head over to TJ's and grab an inexpensive little bouquet of spring flowers. Aren't they super lovely?

Happy Spring!

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