Wednesday, April 17, 2019

the good life

Do you ever catch yourself in a bad mood complaining to yourself about everything that's so horrible in your life, and then you catch your behavior as an onlooker would see it and realize how much of a spoiled brat you are? Then you give yourself a new perspective and remind yourself just how freakin' blessed you are to have the life you have. Ever do that? Yeah me neither. 😊

God has given me so much and I hate that sometimes I'm not appreciative. Dan and I like to remind each other from time to time that we are totally living the good life.

So this week I'm just thankful to have the imperfectly perfect life I have. The husband I have. The kids I have. The home I have. The family and friends I have. They are all wonderful.

Pirates... because they found the costume box I hid in storage. Things I didn't notice when I took the picture: Angus is holding the blender wand which I currently can't find. Addie is holding an empty wrapping paper roll... which is slightly worrisome because we had several fullish ones so I'm not too sure what happened to the wrapping paper. And Mya is holding my current favorite wrapping paper so I hope it's still in tact. 

100% girl. 100% fabulous.

Addie quote of the week: When is Jesus coming down to say hi to us?? I've been waiting like FOREVER!

I took Angus to the thrift store with me. I always let him get one thing. I tell him the store won't let him have any more than that. He picked this giant ambulance. He takes it everywhere now. This is where he naps usually when Dan's at work because he has to tag along when I pick up the girls. It's so funny to think about my first kid compared to my fourth. Mya napped in her room every single day with a sound machine on and blackout curtains. 

Winter originally didn't make the blog this week so I decided to include this one. She's such a little photo bomber like her Auntie Wendy. Anytime I say smile to anyone, she runs over. 

TJ's suggestion of the week:

They call these "Teeny Tiny Avocados" and they really are just the perfect size. I like the smaller ones so I can use the whole avocado and not have to store the other half in the fridge where it often is lost and forgotten. And in my experience, Trader Joe's avocados are the most consistently perfect on the inside. 

Happy Wednesday and happy Easter week!

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