Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Winter came home to report that she kissed a boy at school on the hand and the cheek. She thought that would be fine since it wasn’t on the mouth. So I talked to her a bit about not kissing anyone or anything unless it’s in our immediate family. When she confirmed that she understood she walked away and Addie came up and tugged my shirt and said, “Mommy I have 8 boyfriends!” 

Maybe they are getting this boy business out of their system now so they can act appropriately when they start dating... when they're 25. Here’s hoping. At least Mya still thinks boys are gross and sweaty. And that's what I'm thankful for this week. And also that my girls are still young and innocent. That's nice too. I know what's coming. 

Addie says this is her "FAAAANCE" outfit. I cannot look at this pic without smiling. 
(Jumper and shoes are hand me downs from Mari)

(The best pics take place in my dirty kitchen 😊)

Now that the kids are older, life isn't as crazy as it once was. I've blocked out a lot of it, but at least I can always look back on the blog. I do remember most days containing some sort of crazy unexpected, unplanned, and unavoidable small or big disaster. Learning to face each mini crisis one at a time was pretty much my life. I'm not sure if that's normal for others but it totally was for me. Maybe I'm just not super prepared or maybe I'm just not fully aware of what is happening at all times. Either way, it happens less and less but when it does, I definitely share it with you. Why wouldn't I?

So, this little tiny catastrophe took place in the kids' bathroom and lasted no longer than a 30 seconds. But amusing (after the fact) none the less. 

Angus wanted to take a bath Friday afternoon. And since he had dirt smudges on his face and smelled like dried sweat, I agreed. I prepped the bath and he got in and waited for the water to fill up. He jumped to his feet and yelled, gotta pee! I told him to get out and pee. So he straddled the edge of the tub, placed his hands on the toilet next to the tub and began exiting the tub. His hands slipped because they were wet and both hands went into the toilet, splashing toilet water all over his face and upper body. 

HE FREAKED OUT. I tried to get him to pee anyway but he wasn't having it. He was sobbing, naked, sad and covered in the worst water ever. I assured him we would wash it all off in the tub but he could only pee a little, completely disgusted at the situation. 

So I helped him back into the tub and I squirted some soap on his hands thinking he could start washing his hands and body. But he was completely out of sorts. He put his soap covered hands up to his open mouth and then froze, realizing where he'd just put soap, and then tasted that awful soap taste for the first time ever. He gave me this look like I'd betrayed him and started spitting. I held his smoothie up to his lips hoping to get rid of the soap taste. (yeah he was drinking a smoothie in the tub) But too much soap had already gotten in his mouth so he got a big gulp of soap smoothie. In hindsight I should have just washed the soap out with bathwater but I'm not super clever sometimes. 

Next, Angus started gagging and burping and I totally expected him to puke in the bath. Then Addie ran into the bathroom like she was missing out on a party and yelled, "YAY!! BATH TIME!!" then stripped down and hopped in the bath. She looked over at Angus and asked, "Ummm, are you sick?" At that point I started thinking clearly, washed the soap off of his face and gave him some cold water to drink from the sink. After a few minutes he recovered and started playing with Addie. Good times.

Depending on their mood, Angus and Addie are either besties or enemies. This one morning, Angus didn't want Addie to look at him so he put a cereal box between them. But that didn't last long before they started talking about the interesting pictures on the box and then they were besties again, peering around the box to talk to each other. 

Winter has always been impulsive. She doesn't like planning, structure, rules, or anything that's not fun to her. This makes it challenging to be her mom at times but also very fun. She gets in trouble the most because of the whole rule thing, but I'm so thankful that she's exactly the way God made her. She's constantly looking to go on a little adventure, creatively entertaining Addie and Angus in all kinds of ways, and adding a little more fun to things that may normally be mundane. She was grounded the other day, like she often is, but I didn't say she couldn't have a picnic down by the mailbox, so she got some food together and yelled, "Who wants to have a picnic?!" The littles are always up for a picnic. 

One of Winter and Addie's favorite things about going to church is hunting for rollie pollies. They often sneak them into the car, ignoring my no bug rule, and take them home and make little homes for them with bottle caps of water, leaves and dirt. Check out that giant one in there. 

Mya was in the church musical last Sunday. It was SO good. A modern day story of Joseph and his brothers. All the kids did an amazing job. Every time kids sing in church I get teary eyed. There must be something in the air at church that is causing these crazy emotions to bubble up inside me. Normally I never cry or have any other feelings besides anger, stemming from impatience with children. But seriously, well done children's' ministries team!

(Thanks for the pics Jessica!)

In other funny news, Addie says testes (exactly how you would pronounce that area of the male anatomy), instead of tests. I walked into her bedroom to see Winter rocking Addie in her bed and Addie bawling in her arms. I asked Addie what was wrong and she cried, "I'm not good at testeeees!!!" I had no clue what testes were to her. I just tried not to laugh. Winter explained. I guess Winter gave her a pretty hard math test and she failed.

I keep forgetting to include these pics from grandparents day at school recently. My mom is such a devoted grandma. She always shows up for this stuff. Basically, they have a picnic lunch on the grass at school. Adorable. 

Trader Joe's item of the week: 
Balsamic vinaigrette dressing. This is the best bottled balsamic dressing I've ever had. It's the perfect mixture of sweet and tangy. I could drink it. 

Happy Tuesday! I won't be posting a blog next week. I will explain the following week. Thanks for understanding and have an awesome Spring, even if you don't live in SoCal. The weather is wonderful pretty much everywhere right now. Enjoy it people! 

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