Wednesday, May 29, 2019

sometimes shoes fall apart at weddings

Here are some leftover pics from when the amazing Ashley babysat while we were in Fiji. Ah Fiji... you will always be my happy place. Anyway, I don't think they were missing us too much. 

The girls have two more days of school and then we are officially on summer break. Addie says she is going to miss her teacher most of all. We love you Mrs. Kolby! ❤️ We loved all of our teachers this year. It's crazy to think that Mya only has one more year of Elementary school before she's a middle-schooler. Bonkers.

Besties! For the moment at least.

Love this grouchy lady bug.

The temps are rising and the pool is heated. The kids swam for 2 hours and slept great.

Summer means the kids probably won't wear much for the next few months.

There will also be plenty of screen time and devices if I'm being honest.

Random sweet pic.

Winter eats a ton. Like seriously a lot. The amount of food that girl puts away is sheer talent. It's more than I eat for sure. Possibly as much as Dan. Here she is at the table all by herself finishing off the pancakes. Everyone else finished a while ago. She's no quitter. 

She's always been a big eater. I think it's because she's constantly growing. Her whole life has been a growth spurt. When she jumped in the pool for the first time the other day, she plugged her nose, got a running start, closed her eyes tight and jumped in. Her feet touched the bottom and the water came up to her shoulders. With a dry head, she laughed sheepishly and commented, "I guess I grew a little." 

Addie lost her first tooth! She seems a bit young for that at 5.5 years old but maybe that's the normal age. I forget... And Dan remembered to put money under her pillow so we're doing great so far with Addie.

Twitch is not loving the toy situation. I feel the same way. It is going to be my project the next few weeks for sure.

This is Angus's paw patrol bag. He has all of his paw patrol related toys in it. It goes everywhere with him. The car, his bed, below his chair at the table, up and down the stairs several times a day.

My thankful thing this week is Dan's green thumb. Anything he plants thrives and he's constantly in the yard doing his magic to make it look lovely. 

So Dan and I went to a beautiful wedding Saturday. I picked out his outfit and shoes like I always do. He has had the same 3 pair of dress shoes for over 20 years. They still look nice because he rarely wears them. 

As we were sitting and watching sweet vows being exchanged Dan noticed that the side of his shoe was coming apart. Of course I took a pic.

Then it started coming apart a little more. And then a bit more until it was pretty much falling off of his foot. Then he looked at his other shoe. The same thing was happening. We sat there in shock as his shoes just completely fell apart before our eyes. And he wasn't even walking anywhere. He was sitting down. We tried not to shake with laughter at the craziness and randomness of the situation. What in the world was happening? He had two very complete shoes when we arrived at the wedding and now they were very much not. 

As we watched the beautiful bride and her handsome groom walk down the aisle, and the guests made their way to the reception Dan said, "Okay I'm just going to try to make it over to that trash can and throw them away. No one will even notice I'm not wearing shoes." I looked at him like he was insane and replied, "Umm yes. Everyone will notice you are not wearing shoes." 
But he didn't really have a choice so off he went to the trash can, attracting a bit of attention, mostly from my uncontrolled laughter and a small commotion from friends who saw what was happening.

Comments from bystanders:
How do have a DOUBLE blowout?!
Did you get those at Target? 

So Dan went without shoes for the rest of the night. Some people noticed. Most didn't. And Dan didn't even care. He felt quite comfortable actually.

Comment from a friend: Ummm Dan doesn't have shoes...
Me: Yeah, they fell off.
Friend: Oh... ok (confused look)... How was Fiji?!

I really liked those shoes too. 

My TJ's recommendation is a summer staple around here. We do pigs in a blanket with whole wheat crescent rolls and veggie sausages. My kids like these sausages better than any other kind of meat sausage. I make these at least once a week, more often in the summer because they are good on the go. They work for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Happy Wednesday! 

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