Wednesday, May 1, 2019

may day

May day is Angus's birthday. He's four. I've been telling people he's four for months now. For some reason in my brain he turned four in January. So it's good that I can stop lying about it to people. He's still young enough for me to get away with 2nd hand birthday presents and just a few family members getting together for cake and ice cream instead of a crazy party.

I baked a cake for the first time ever. I was pleased with the result. Angus helped decorate it with sprinkles. Mya wasn't impressed. She said I just mixed a few ingredients in a bowl and put them in a dish and threw it in the oven. But it turned out so much better than a store bought cake I think. And it was like $3.00 so whatever Mya. Angus insisted we get chocolate ice cream too. He didn't eat it though because ice cream is cold. I was happy to have an excuse to eat chocolate ice cream.

Angus requested a Paw Patrol cake so I collected all of his tiny paw patrol characters to decorate the cake with, but he started crying because he didn't want them to get blue frosting on them. But Mya made this little Chase (Paw Patrol) paper with toothpicks attached to put on the cake because she's awesome. It was perfect. I forgave her cake remarks. Angus said it was the best birthday ever like 20 times.

May is here. It's the last month of free childcare, free education and a free scheduled life. Again, my plans are big for summer but I'm not going to get into that. Just read pretty much every early May blog post for the last five years and you'll get the gist. Lots of plans for reading, learning and pool time plus high hopes for lots of mom patience. I signed them up for extra camps this year. I think that's going to help for sure.

This week I'm thankful for Stanton Elementary. I'm thankful for the awesome teachers we've had this year. I'm thankful for all around a great year for all three girls.

Angus greets Addie with more love than anyone else has ever been greeted with ever. They hug then often fall to the floor.

He really does love her a whole lot. She loves him too. I just read an article about an 8 year old brother holding on to his 10 year old sister for dear life and ended up rescuing her from a carjacking, possible kidnapping. I immediately thought, that would be Angus for sure. 

I discourage Angus sleeping during the day. He wakes up before the sun most days. I keep hoping that one day he'll just forgo his mid day snooze and sleep in like all the other people in the world. But so far, he can't hang. 

I was folding the laundry and looked over to find this...

I was doing the dishes. We were mid conversation, talking about how he wants to be a police man when he grows up. Then he stopped talking...

My TJ's recommendation for the week is Hatch Chile Mac & Cheese. I just read the front of the box and learned that Hatch is in New Mexico and it's not a type of Chile. I LOVE this mac and cheese. It's not spicy at all. It just has the best flavor. I plan on eating a ton of it when I'm no longer concerned about wearing bathing suits in public... so maybe October. But you should definitely not wait. 

Happy May Day!

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