Wednesday, June 19, 2019

going strong

Dan said I should blog about his rack of lamb bone eating contests with Mya and Winter. Basically they compete to see who can get the bone the cleanest with their teeth after they've eaten the meat off  of it. I told him I can't just be told what to write about like an artist cannot be told what to paint. They must wait until inspiration strikes. Plus I find the whole lamb bone thing disgusting and often leave the room while it's happening. And yet, here I am writing about it. 
I don't have a pic. I refuse. 

Instead I'll post this one:

My thankful thing this week is our discount refurbished soft tub. It's been a learning curve with the chemicals and two of our kids may have developed a rash after they went in it because the PH levels were off. Antibiotics handled that. BUT it has been wonderful for Dan and I. It helps me relax and just hang out with Dan and actually talk to him instead of feeling exhausted, annoyed and just done after being a mom all day. It has been our favorite nightly ritual and a reset button for both of us lately. I highly recommend it if you are thinking about it.

I took Mya and Winter to the thrift store with me on Saturday. After we got in the car, Mya said, Mom, do you want to hear about my most embarrassing moment ever? It just happened. Of course I said yes. So, you know how you were in the dressing room? Well... you were in the other one with a curtain last time so I thought you were in that one again. I said Mom, but you didn't answer so I put my head under the curtain and saw a lady in her underwear and she saw me and she said AAAHHHH!! and I said AAAAHHHH! And then I ran to the back of the store and hid there for a while. 
I know, best story ever. Love that girl. Winter said it wasn't really embarrassing for Mya, just the half naked lady in the dressing room. It's probably best if you don't mention it to Mya ever.

Addie looked at me the other day and said. "Mommy, I just want to put my hands on your boobies and squish them." Dan walked up and said, "What did she just say?" I replied, "She wants to squeeze my boobs." I thought my kids knew that my body was off limits to them after I weened them but I guess not. We had to re-explain what was appropriate and what was not to Addie. Can't blame her for trying.

As I was typing the paragraph above, the letters started typing themselves. Lines and lines of gibberish were appearing. For a minute I thought maybe my computer was possessed or there was some kind of glitch somewhere in the hard drive. It's a pretty old computer. But then I figured out what was happening. Dan bought a new keyboard because the old wireless one wasn't working great and was driving me nuts. He threw it in the trash and the big girls took it out and were playing "office" in their room. The batteries were still in it so it was still working well enough to take over my post. Winter was so excited and pleased that she was able to mess up my typing in such a sneaky awesome way. 

Addie came home from VBS Wednesday and told me about a new friend she made. Addie is a professional friend maker. It's a gift. She said "I looked at her, and she looked at me, and then we were friends!" 

My fave VBS pic. Thanks to Tiffany for taking it! Addie was sitting next to Angus because she promised she would hold his hand when the lights went off during the whole warping back from bible time to the present day.

She's a really good big sister, even though Angus is bigger and taller than her.

Mya and Winter doin' their VBS thing.

This beautiful lady turned 90 last week and we were able to celebrate with her. Nita is my grandma's little sister. I love that the women in my family have long healthy lives. Grandma lived till she was 89. And my dad's mom is 93 and going strong. My cousins, her grand kids, planned a party for Nita at a fun Mexican restaurant. I took the big girls since Dan was working and 4 kids in a restaurant with no dad is a recipe for mom losing her mind. 

They had a balloon lady there too.

Speaking of birthdays, this lady turned 69 recently. Mom's sister Debie. Debie has been in my life, loving me like a daughter since I was born. She's probably the sweetest person on earth.

And this is Mom's bro Doug. Everyone loves Doug. He's super fun, lets the kids climb all over him and is definitely one of their favorite people. They always ask if Uncle Doug will be there at any family gathering. 

One of Mya's gifts is giving any challenge her all and usually succeeding. Angus threw his paw patrol character under the stove and immediately regretted it. I told Mya I wasn't sure it was possible to retrieve it without moving the stove. She stood up tall and said, "I'll get it." And she did. 

Dan worked on Father's Day so we went to visit him at the station. The kids are ALWAYS up for a station visit. 

Mya always asks to hear about his calls. She makes him write them down so he doesn't forget. 

Addie took a pic of us. 

Winter did too. I love it that the kids are now old enough to be photographers when needed.

Then we went to Lacy park afterward. It's one of our favorite parks ever. It has a giant loop, great for riding bikes.

Proud of my minivan for carrying all the bikes and kids. 

I used ice cream to bribe the kids to read and do math every week day this summer. So we'll be at Crust And Crumble in Glendora every Tuesday for $1 ice cream cones if anyone wants to join. I always bring a Costco size thing of baby wipes. Very necessary. 

Angus is NOT great at eating ice cream. And he insists on a cone every time.

Dan and I have a standing date to go out for sushi once a month. Sometimes the kids get jealous.

A few favorites this week from Trader Joe's, Costco and Target. Target is .5 miles from my house. I try not to go there too often because it's a dangerous place. I do have to get a few things there however. Like this delicious treat. 

These are a staple at our house. Dan prefers to have meat in his pot stickers but the big girls and I never leave any on the plate. 

And this stuff is awesome. I found it at Costco. But it may or may not still be there. If you see it grab it. It'll take a while to get through it but it's such an awesome deal and super tasty. I forget what the cost was but it's 86 oz. I make "candy chicken" with it. That's what the girls call it. Basically just chicken and teriyaki sauce sauteed in a pan. Dan has used it for grilling chicken and I'm sure you could use it with any meat. Salmon would be amazing. Great for summer.

And this salad is always at Costco in the fridge section. The dressing is super tasty and it serves at least 4 people. Dan and I add cut up chicken nuggets since we always have those on hand. It's sturdy enough to sit a while without getting soggy. So it's great to take to parties. I've even saved it for leftovers the next day and it was still good. 

Happy Wednesday! Enjoy these cool temps in SoCal while they are still here! We all know what's coming. I plan on doing the park as much as possible until the equipment is so hot it burns the children. 

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