Thursday, June 13, 2019

palms to the springs

So a few months ago my sister casually mentioned that she would be in Palm Springs for a few days in June. So I casually mentioned right back that I would be there with bells on. I didn't have child care worked out and I wasn't sure if my mom would be around but I knew I'd make it happen. I may have told a few girlfriends, and they needed a girls weekend like water in the desert so that's what we did last week.

Obviously I appreciate my mom more than anyone has ever appreciated anyone before.
Mom: So, I'm watching the kids for four days?
Me: Well technically two of them are half days. So it's really just 3..? You've recovered from the Fiji trip right?

She agreed because she's THE BEST. Dan worked the whole time. Thanks for bringing home that bacon honey.

This guy turned 105 years old on the 10th. (That's 15 in case you're bad at math) He acts like it too. He hobbles around making old man noises and only cares about Dan, and escaping to roam the neighborhood... like one of those escapees from the Alzheimer's facilities. I really wanted to throw him a little party and sing happy birthday to him but I was in Palm Springs on a raft in the pool. He can't hear anything anyway and he would not like wearing a birthday hat. Happy birthday Twitchy.

Found these suits at Target on clearance so of course we needed them. These two LOVE pink and Mya loves matching. 

I feel like I've arrived. All the kids can walk to the pool. Nobody needs to be carried or pushed in a stroller. And I can sit on a lounge and watch them. I don't even have to get in. It's wonderful.

We watched some friends' kids for a little while one day. I say we, but Mya and Winter actually did everything. I thought to myself, if I would have had a 9 year old and an 8 year old helping me, being a mom would have been so much easier.

One of my kids is wearing slippers, one is wearing her PJs and one isn't wearing a shirt. #summer

Dan likes it when I include him in the blog so he's happy to pose for a pic anytime. He doesn't wear shoes in the summer. 

When Dan pulled out Addie's tooth, he bribed her with a day out with mom. We went to see a movie followed by lunch at Chick-Fil-A. I think we both won.

It's Vacation Bible School week at our church. I assumed Angus would just go and love it like he does with everything in life. He is not having it this week. He looks happy in the pic but he had a full blown scream his head off melt down when it was time to go in the church. Dan took him back after we came home and realized it was boring without his sisters. And I told him he didn't get to watch TV because we don't watch TV until after VBS. I just make rules up. He went today but he held up his little index finger and looked me in the eye and said, okay but ONE TIME. I think that means he's not going back tomorrow. For the record, VBS is super fun. The girls love it. Angus thinks there are monsters in the worship center and cannot be convinced otherwise. Whatever. He's 4.

This is my favorite pasta sauce of all the pasta sauces. I love it the most on ravioli.

I bought these because they're low carb and healthy. They are like giant crunchy crackers. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked them with avocado on top. Oh and everything but the bagel seasoning. Perfect.

I don't buy this all the time because I'm pretty sure it's not good for you. But it is sinfully delicious. It's a great party snack. It gets cleaned out fast. There is NEVER any left. Or it could just be a regular snack at home. Grab yourself some tortilla chips and go to town.

I just bought this. It's not THAT hot. I like it on eggs and potatoes. It would be awesome on tacos too. Oh and nachos.

Happy Thursday! I'm late posting this week because I was on a raft in a pool living the life. But don't get jealous. Now I'm home with all my laundry and my very emotional 4 year old. 

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