Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Happy June! I'm always super positive and energetic this time of year. I have big summer plans. Big. And even bigger plans to get rid of 75% of our toys. I'm obsessed. It is taking over my dreams/nightmares and every day life thoughts. Enough about toys. 

Twitch has given up. Or maybe he's just trying to drown out some of the noise. The volume is quite overwhelming at times. 

I miss his rolls but these paw patrol undies are pretty spectacular. 

Angus and Addie have had a nasty cough for the last week or so. I made them tea the other day with honey and lemon. But they both definitely hated it. This is Angus ready to try his grown up tea like mom.

"AAAUUUGGGHHH! Tastes like... PEE!" 

Last day of school!! We went to In N Out to celebrate! If I'm being honest I was just super hungry and a new In N Out opened just down the street from their school. It was a great day for all.

I'm thankful for Dan and his ability to make us new cabinets for our kitchen. We're saving tons and it's going to look really nice.

"We" are redoing our kitchen. Actually I'll claim some of the labor here. Dan makes me lift super heavy cabinets all the time. I've been incredibly helpful and he couldn't do it without me, but I guess you could say he does most of the cabinet making.

This is our living room. We don't really hang out here. Our cabinets definitely live here for the time being.

This is a cute pic. BUT check out Angus in the back. He's yelling about some kind of wetness that was on his ball and then now his hand.

Wendy's in town!! We went to Descanso Gardens Monday. The flowers were blooming like crazy. I've never seen it so beautiful. 

Mya took this. Not sure if the weed cutting Winter's body in half is on purpose or by mistake. I appreciate it either way. That would be hard to do on purpose. 

Okay, so I've decided to add on to my Trader Joe's recommendations. I'm including Costco. Costco is another favorite place of mine. There are so many great things there. But first, TJ's.

I was at Trader Joe's over the weekend and spotted a lady picking up and putting back the orange chicken. I told her to pick it back up and put it in her cart. She did. Usually I'm not so forward. I don't tell people what to do. But this was too important. I told her that it was my favorite and she needed it in her cart. She was super appreciative. 

It's true, the orange chicken is my favorite. Dan and I love it. The kids like the BBQ chicken teriyaki the most though. They call it candy chicken. So basically you should have both of these in your cart next time you go. Oh and while I was shopping I got so excited about humus and salsa that I put things in another lady's cart. She laughed and was very nice about it. I told her I wished it was the first time that had happened to me, but sadly it was the 4th or 5th time. It's fine. Everyone is family at Trader Joe's. 

And I picked up these tasty treats a few days ago and they taste exactly like you would think they would. Delish.

And this stuff is GOOD. It's almost too spicy for me but I keep eating it. And it's not too sweet. I eat salsa with my eggs and potatoes every morning so I like to have a variety. 

Okay so for Costco, I have one healthy and one not as healthy. This salad is my favorite. It's just so fresh and tasty and great on the go. The amount of dressing they give you is just the right amount too. I am slightly embarrassed to admit that I have eaten this for lunch in the school pickup line about 20 times. It's $7 for two salads. Not crazy cheap but definitely worth it.

The next one is just such an amazing deal I couldn't keep it to myself. Costco wines are $8 and they are gigantic. Basically the size of two wine bottles. AND they're good. Dan read some article about wine and it mentioned that Coscto was the cheap wine winner. So there. Go grab a bottle. Unless you're my mom. She doesn't drink. But maybe she would appreciate the savings?

Happy Wednesday!

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