Sunday, October 27, 2019

a different scene

Mom officially moved away. I've been in pretty close proximity to this lady for the last 38 years of my life... so it's going to be an adjustment in the years to come for sure.

This would have been a cute pic if mom's eyes were open. She's a notorious eye closer. I took 5 pics and there were none with open eyes mom, sorry. Debie and Mom are off to Arkansas. Well, they're staying in Napa with Aunt Sally until their Arkansas house is ready. We said good-bye last Sunday. There were lots of tears and last-minute ideas from Winter about where mom should live instead of Arkansas. But alas, she did leave with Debie and is now far away in Napa. Angus still thinks mom's in town. He sees cars that look like hers and asks, "Dat gwamma?"

I'm selfie challenged.

The house has been painted for the last 10 days or so... we moved out.

But our saint of a friend let us stay in his back house that is currently not being inhabited. And it is across the street from the girls' school. It has been Winter's dream to walk to school for years. So she was uber happy to live there for a while. Mya asked if I could still drive her across the street. In her defense, she plays the cello.

Living across the street from the school also meant that we could also go play at the school playground after dinner.

One of my favorite pics ever. 

Mya was so proud of herself because she said no one else in her class could climb to the top of the tetherball pole. It's always nice to be the best at something. Even something super random. 

I set the school record in 8th grade for the most jump ropes in one minute. I still remember the number. 188 jumps. The record was soon broken but it felt sooooo good to be the best that year. I bring it up all the time to Dan. Last year I tried to show him how good I am at jump roping but I couldn't even jump rope for one minute, let alone do 188 jumps. 

I'm going to frame these sunset pics someday...

We've been using a lot of paper and plastic bowls and cups. Sorry environment. It was temporary.

The kids had to share two portable DVD players... And then one broke.

I made deviled eggs for the first time ever. They were so good. They're hard to mess up though.

Red Ribbon Week was last week. I have no comment on how I feel about it. Okay I'm not a fan. It's just more work for me. But I did feel the need to take a pic on crazy hair day. I forget how that ties in with saying no to drugs. Winter didn't brush her hair and said it was "crazy" as a result. She wakes up with perfect hair so it was not at all crazy. It was just an excuse not to brush her hair that day. Mya went above and beyond with a "cupcake on a plate" hair. I'm not sure who did Addie's hair. I wasn't paying attention. She's pouting because I told her to stop playing and put her shoes and socks on. Angus is always down for a group photo. 

And Addie won the contest for the best red ribbon anti-drug poster in Kindergarten. Her teacher says she has amazing artistic ability. We may have a future artist on our hands. I haven't seen the poster yet but I'll post it when she brings it home. I'm curious to see what she drew since she doesn't know anything about drugs. Winter thinks you eat them. And I guess she's not completely wrong...

We watched my friends' kids one afternoon. What that means is Mya and Winter took turns chasing an 18-month-old and I supervised. If you ever need a baby chaser for the day, the big girls would be more than happy to be there for you. 

Halloween festivities have begun. Rainbow Dash, JoJo Siwa, a ballerina, and a swat team guy. Addie's costume is a repeat costume which I super appreciate.

Our beloved Higerds came to visit and went to Trunk or Treat with us.

We went to a costume birthday party today! Obviously not a one theme family.

Happy Halloween time!! 

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