Monday, October 7, 2019


It was 95 degrees yesterday so it doesn't really feel like fall. I guess that's normal around here. At least we have the option of going swimming if we want. 

We are picking costumes these days. Addie wants to be a fairy spiderman pirate. 

Angus may actually be a police officer when he grows up. He's loved police officers and police cars since he could talk. He's definitely going to need to toughen up a bit. He's four so I guess he has some time.

Winter wants to be JoJo Siwa. She's loud and annoying and wears bright shiny things with giant bows and Winter loves her.

Mya wanted to be a poop emoji but Dan vetoed it and I was relieved. "You can't be poop for Halloween Mya." 
I think she's leaning toward a ballerina now. 

It's soccer season. For the first time, all four kids get to play. Angus is doing well for the most part. He's not great at sharing, so the whole team sports thing is pretty challenging for him. And everyone is faster than him so he just runs after the ball and cries when his team scores. Addie scores a lot. She's on Angus's team.

Winter loves being the goalie for some reason. It sounds like a lot of pressure if you ask me.

Mya is in the older age group with the 10-13 year olds. There are some boys on her team that are bigger than I am so there's a bit of a size difference there. She's liking it though. I worry about her safety but I'm sure she'll be fine. 

I signed up for soccer snacks Saturday. Mya decorated her bags because she's Mya.

I took Winter to Target with me and she found a dead bee in the raspberries. She was very excited and showed all the employees she spotted.

Angus is still very excited about trash day.

Here's Winter teaching the littles their sight words.

This is a very accurate picture of Dan that Winter drew. He hasn't worked in a while because he injured his shoulder. So he hangs out in his shorts and his beard most of the time.

We went couch shopping. Angus layed down on all the couches and said, "I yike dis one, tan we take it home?" We haven't found the perfect couch yet.

I decorated for fall.

And the littles got haircuts.

I tried this at Costco. I liked the sample but when I took it home it was a bit sweet. But I'm sure it would pair well with a grilled cheese sandwich. I didn't try that because I'm watching my carbs because I'm 38 and it's necessary now.

In case you're at Costco and you see this yummy looking salad, it wasn't fantastic. It was alright. I wouldn't buy it again.

These have been around for a while but I had to add them to this post because they are a staple at my house. Buitoni's Three Cheese Tortellini. This family pack feeds the four kids. And they all love it. So it's actually not a bad deal for $6.29 at Target. At Vons, I think it's like $8. It's actually delicious just with oil and garlic salt. I buy it like once a week. It takes 7 minutes to cook so that's a bonus too. You could make them into fall soup and put them in the harvest bisque from Costco mentioned above. I bet that would be pretty tasty. AND creative.

Happy Monday night! Unless you're a Dodger fan. Then it's a sad Monday night. But go Dodgers!

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